Monday 28 October 2013

Home Bargains Pumpkin Pinata Review

Home Bargains sale a large amount of Halloween products with prices starting from as little as 59p. We was deilghted when they very kindly sent us a pumpkin piñata set for our Halloween feature party!

Inside the pack you receive a pumpkin piñata that holds a huge amount of candy and treats, a pumpkin themed eye mask and a piñata stick.  

To make it fair after some kids getting less than the rest last year, I decided to make little treat bags for each child. I put a mini packet of Milkyway Magic Stars, a jelly lolly, a hard lolly and some Halloween themed chocolate into each bag for the older four children and the two babies got a packet of magic stars, a Milky Bar and a Halloween chocolate ghost in their treat bags.

To fill the pinata, you need to carefully cut around the highlighted circle found on top of the piñata. I would advise an adult do this, although with adult supervision I am sure a older child could do this. 

I then simply placed the six tied up treat bags into the piñata using the gap that opens once you cut out the sticker. The gap was big enough to fit the treat bags in which was a result as I was worried they wouldn't fit after seeing the size of the sticker!

Once you have filled the piñata, the cardboard can simply be pulled back to make sure no treats fall out!

The pinata is then ready to use, put the mask on the children and hang the piñata up somewhere using the handle provided on top. Unfortunatley we had no where to hang the piñata so Grandad very kindly offered himself as the pinata holder whilst each of the three older children took turns to bash it open!


Once the pinata has been broken, all the treats fall onto the floor and its then just a case of letting the children dive in to collect their goodies! Here is Spud and his big cousin Big Man (below) after receiving their treat bags, as you can see, eating a sour candy chocolate results in Spud pulling funny faces!

The pumpkin pinata set is available to buy from Home Bargain stores nationwide for just £5.99. To find out more about Home Bargains and to view their other Halloween products check out the official website here.


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