Wednesday 9 October 2013

Moshi Monsters Series 8 Countdown - Day 8

Can you believe the countdown started a week ago? The Moshi Monsters series 8 countdown, with me being 1 of the 8 UK bloggers introducing you all to a new Moshling from series 8 every day! The countdown is getting closer and closer to the official Moshi Monsters series 8 release date which is the 18th of October! If you want a sneak peak to all the new Moshlings, make sure you keep checking back here on Unique Young Mum on a daily basis! Also, one last thing before I introduce you to the next Moshling, don't forget the competition that starts at the end of the countdown for your chance to win a complete set of series 8!

Day 8 - Blinki
Blinki the All-Seeing Moment Muncher.

Blinki is a intrepid, inquisitive and kind All-Seeing Moment Muncher, Blinki is fully equipped to capture any moment no matter how bizarre, so be careful what you do around him or you may end up on the Moshi Monsters version of You've Been Framed! Blinki likes lens wipes and rollicking stories, he dislikes Hot Hoodoo stew and kerfuffling!

Blinki has joined Eugene, Threddie, Slurpy, Grinny, Jackson, Blossom and Monty in the series 8 Moshling countdown and we can't wait to see what day 9 brings tomorrow!

Do make sure you check back and don't forget the competition starting on the 18th of October for your chance to win a full and complete Moshi Monsters series 8 set!


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