My last and final gift guide is for the children - children of all ages. When I think of Christmas the very first thing that comes into my head is my son, and the joy he has when it's Christmas. Children get excited for Christmas, they can't wait to see what's waiting to be opened by th…
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Teens.
Teenagers can be difficult to buy for, it's that awkward age where you don't want to buy presents that are too young, or too old - you want them to be just perfect, and loved by the recipient. Without further ado, let's get this Teen's Gift Guide started, from tweens to teens, there&…
Monday, 10 December 2018
2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Foodies.
Christmas is the one time of the year where I don't feel guilty for indulging in more food than usual, and it's also the one of two times a year I have a three-course meal at home (Easter being the other). When thinking about Christmas, food is one of the first things that come to my mind; …
2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Him.
I know I'm not alone when I say I find it hard buying gifts for men, because all I've seen recently on social media is people looking for recommendations for men's gifts ideas. In a dream world, they'd most probably want the dream car, or a not even invented yet game console... I kn…
2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Her.
When it comes to buying Christmas presents for her, we're not short for ideas - from clothing to accessories such as handbags, makeup to perfume, jewellery to vouchers for the hair salon, and plenty more. This guide features some stocking fillers and main presents, there's no particular ord…
2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Couples.
It's that time of year when we scratch our heads looking for a gift idea that's brilliant for couples, if you're anything like me then you've done the DIY hampers for too many years in a row, and you're running out of ideas... What suits both of them or maybe you're looking …
Sunday, 9 December 2018
2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Dogs.
If you're a pet owner, I'm sure you can relate when I say my dog is my second child, and if you're not a pet owner, or have never owned a pet - well, you're most probably itching your head right now looking very confused. Pet's are a massive part of the family, they're just …
Friday, 7 December 2018
What Is A Xbox Game Pass Plus Competition.
Gaming, whether you like it or not is massive across the globe, and as time goes on, it's only getting bigger and better. I remember being a young child when myself and my little brother Jamie was gifted our first non-handheld gaming console, and how things have advanced since then. In partners…
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Parenting - Making Those Important, and Not So Important Decisions.
Whether you've planned for the baby you're expecting or not, there is one thing parents to be, or parents expecting again all have in common - the list of things you need before baby makes their arrival. If you thought decorating the spare room - making it into a nursery was hard enough, wa…
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Sporting Injuries: How To Recover Successfully
Sporting injuries can be upsetting, painful and difficult to manage, whether it is an injury that you have sustained yourself or your child. While there will always be an element of risk when it comes to injuries and sport, that is not to say that you should avoid sports altogether as they can be e…
Friday, 30 November 2018
My 3 Top Sensible Tips On Updating a Guest Room for Christmas.
December is very nearly amongst us, and for many of us, presents, decorations and food are on our minds. We've double and even triple checked our list of people to buy for, because forgetting your least favourite sister in law is acceptable for you, but not a great look to the wider family. We&…
Sunday, 25 November 2018
50 Days of Christmas With Boots
Christmas is now just officially one month away, and if the sights of pretty decorated Christmas tree's filling our social media timelines isn't a reminder, or the photo's of the perfectly wrapped presents with bows, then maybe it's the Christmas song's being played back to back…
Saturday, 24 November 2018
Advent Calendar Feature 2018
If you're a regular reader or visitor to Unique Young Mum, then you may know that Christmas is my favourite time of the year! It's the one time of year that I relax that little bit more, watch lots of television - well Christmas movies to be precise, and let's not forget the Christmas j…
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Avoid The Top Christmas Gift Mistakes This December
The Christmas season is the perfect time of year for showering the ones that you love with gifts. Finding the right Christmas gift for mum or dad, or your significant other or anyone else for that matter can be a difficult and time costly challenge, and often we can panic buy resulting in unwanted …
Teaching Your Child the Importance of Good Behaviour and Manners
Every parent loves to believe that their child is a little angel who wouldn’t hurt a fly. The truth is that you need to keep a close eye on your cheeky monkey’s behaviour no matter how cute and innocent they may seem. With Christmas just around the corner , it seems that being a good boy or girl is …
Top 4 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas Season
The festive season is coming up fast, and in the middle of the hustle and bustle of spending time with family and friends, running around, and gift-buying, it's common to fail to take care of yourself. This can lead to everything from stress to poor health, and even depression in some cases. The…
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Competition - Win a BABY born® Soft Touch Doll.
With Christmas day being just 41 days away, I know many of us are now on the hunt for presents, and with toys being the most sought-after presents on children's list across the globe, it's only right I start off the first of a few competitions with a toy! I'm giving away a Baby born Sof…
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
The Importance Of Interior Design During Home Improvements
The place where we live, enjoy, play, eat, make memories, dream, have parties, dinner dates, gatherings, bake-offs, and much more is our home. To ensure we're still in love with our home, it's important to make repairs and re-decorate from time to time. If we want to make our homes up to da…
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Parenting - How To Get Children Outside More.
Whether you planned to have children or not, I think it's safe to say once our babies were born into the big wide world, we vowed we wouldn't do things with our children that we later went on to do. One of my friends vowed her children would never have a dummy, only to give in when her firs…
Making a Living? Don't Forget About Your Life!
Finding balance in your career and personal life is a practice that takes many people years to learn. Earning a living is obviously a top priority for adults - particularly those who have children and a family to support. Yet, when you become so wrapped up in making a pound that you neglect your lo…
Thursday, 25 October 2018
The Not So Obvious Dangers That Can Hurt Your Child.
The world is a worrying and dangerous place nowadays, so it can be hard for a parent not to worry. However, many parents worry about things that are not likely to happen, for example, parents often worry about school shootings and kidnappings. While these things do happen, they don’t happen often e…
Smart Home-Keeping Decisions Any Family Can Make
Raising a family is not easy, and neither is running a household. In fact, they are probably two of the most challenging and continual responsibilities that most people will ever face. However, located on the other side of that coin is the truth that these efforts are among the most rewarding and e…
How To Give Back To Your Parents.
Parents are powerful role models for children. Whether it be for guidance, support, advice, or a big hug; they surely have our “backs” – so to speak. They stand firm in our corner, teach us vital life skills and comfort us in a time of need. Life can get super hectic and busy, but we mustn’t forget …
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
3 Situations When a Parent Should Hire a Lawyer.
The way your life changes after you have a child is nothing short of amazing, it shows you a special bond that you've never had with anyone else in the world, and it also brings a new love you've never experienced before. The new life that you bring into the world needs protection, love, an…
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
My Take On The October Blog Tag
I've previously spoken (written) about my views on ''blogger tags'', I'm not the biggest of fans of them, and actually, cringe at some of the ones that have gone around over the years, because sometimes too much information isn't needed (or rather welcomed) at all, howev…
Money Spending That Will Protect Your Family
We all like to spend money - well the majority of us, don’t we? We love scouring the shops on the high street, finding bargains, jumping for joy when sale clothes actually fit us in the changing rooms, and then going home with a smile on our face for the rest of the day! After all, a little bit of …
Monday, 22 October 2018
Why Do We Doubt Our Parental Decisions?
It's safe to say being a parent is the hardest job in the world, no other job title in the world brings the responsibilities that lay with being a parent, I'm so sure about my statement, that I can guarantee even the Queen and Barak Obama agrees with me. When you're responsible for smal…
Thursday, 23 August 2018
How To Nail Your Summer Beauty Routine
Summer is well and truly here, and what better time to fine-tune your beauty routine? The change in the season gives you the ideal opportunity to adjust your usual pamper regime, and we’ve got everything you need to get your summer look spot on. Before you get started, it helps to prepare yourself w…
Making More Money For Your Family The Smart Way
If you want to make more money for your family so you can improve your quality of life, you’ve come to read the right post. It’s important to remember that many people associate earning money with working hard, and while that can be true sometimes, this post is about working smarter, not harder, it…
Thursday, 26 July 2018
3 Simple Ways To Protect Your Family Dynamic
If you’ve recently experienced the joy of welcoming your first little bundle of joy, you may be thinking that your life is complete. The family that you’ve always dreamed of is now a reality, and you feel an overwhelming sense of unconditional love towards your firstborn and your partner. You would…
Friday, 20 July 2018
Mysteries That Still Leave the World in Wonder.
Each and every one of us has some level of curiosity about ourselves – it’s natural, it is part of what makes us human. It is that curiosity that leaves us pondering some of the world’s greatest mysteries that, in all likelihood, we will never have a definitive answer for. From unsolved crimes to go…
Monday, 11 June 2018
Restyling and Revamping Your Home Could Never Be More Easier!
Renovating your home can be one of the most stressful and expensive periods of adulthood, whether it’s building an extension or just updating the fixtures and features of your home. Along with it being a stressful and financial heavy time, it can also be time costly, well unless you’re a millionair…
Friday, 8 June 2018
Five Relaxing Weekend Break Ideas For The Capital
London, what goes through your head when you hear, see or say the word London? To me its chaos - lots of people, black cabs, buses and trains, people, crowds of people everywhere, it's rushing, it's shopping, it's fast, it's loud, its even another world and that's coming from so…
My Favourite Road Trip - #RoadTripsOfEurope
Passing my driving test last July was without a doubt one of the best things I've done, I didn't realise at the time how much more freedom it would give me and Spud, and even the dog benefits too, considering he gets driven to luxury parks to walk or should I say sprint around. From going f…
Easy Ways to Make Money (Without Doing Much).
If you need extra money but you don't have the time or energy to take on another part-time job at a local store or office, then don't despair. There are plenty of ways that you can make a little extra cash on the side without having to do much extra work. In fact, you'd be surprised how…
Thursday, 7 June 2018
3 Best Floors To Cool Down Your House This Summer
The air’s still warm and the sun’s still bright, so even if you’re not being hit by a heatwave, you’re probably still struggling to cool off and dab away the sweat on your forehead. Well, there’s one way you can keep your house cooler year after year, and that's by choosing the right flooring. …
A Guide To Decorating With Indoor Plants and Trees.
Houseplants can be an excellent way to fill out space and add some life to a room, but the hardest part can be working out where to put them – having enough space is only the start of your worries. Luckily, I’ve teamed up with Olive Grove to put together this quick guide to give you a few more thin…
Saturday, 2 June 2018
Making Easy Money Through ETFs
With so many people struggling to find work nowadays, with there being too many people, not enough jobs, businesses going into liquidation/administration and some of our favourite high street stores going in a world where there’s too much competition, it’s easy to see why so many people are looking…
Friday, 25 May 2018
Meet the Blogger – 20 Questions & Answers!
If you've been a reader/visitor of Unique Young Mum for a while, then you may already know bits about me from past post I've done - so you may of read the title of this post and thought not another one!? However I suppose it's always good to refresh one's memory and every one of the…
Sunday, 20 May 2018
Interesting Careers For Young Mums
Back in the days, once young women got married and started a family they often ended up being full-time mothers, saying goodbye to their careers and even to the activities they used to love doing. Nowadays many things have changed and after the maternity leave many young women go back to their old …
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Tiny Changes That Can Make You Richer
Often, we think that to increase our wealth significantly we have to make substantial financial moves. However, this is not the only way to acquire more wealth. In fact, minimal changes are often the way forward and can help you increase your wealth.
Friday, 11 May 2018
98 Days - 14 Weeks - 3 Months.
As I logged onto the Blogger platform 30 minutes ago, I was shocked to see that it had been 98 days since I last posted, a whole 98 days, which is exactly 14 weeks and a little over three months ago. Whilst many had thought I'd given up blogging, or at least Unique Young Mum, I knew that was ne…
Friday, 2 February 2018
The lovely Karen over at Really Missing Sleep tagged me in her #MummysGuiltyPleasures post - I'll be totally honest, I usually cringe at some of these posts that require you to tag other bloggers, not because you need to tag other bloggers but because the questions asked, however guilty pleasur…
Monday, 29 January 2018
My Name Is Jada, I'm 27 Years Young!
Most days I wake up, and feel as young as the age I am, and then come the times where I feel much older than I am, with the latter becoming more common since my son started secondary school in September 2017. I don't know if its the fact that I'm one of the youngest parents with a year seve…
Meat Delivery Services Give Restaurants Edge
Few industries are as competitive as the restaurant industry, and as any chef or restaurateur knows, finding a regular and reliable source for fresh, tasty ingredients is key to success. When it comes to finding a provider, there are a lot of angles a savvy restaurateur will want to consider. Can th…
Monday, 1 January 2018
Happy New Year - 2018!
I’d just like to start this post by wishing anyone that’s reading this a happy new year, I hope 2018 is a great year for all of us! I hope you smash any resolutions you have, and I hope your dreams come true. For me I’m happy we’re in a new year, from mid-2016 to the end of 2017, it was difficult ti…
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Blog Archive
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Chidren
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Teens.
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Foodies.
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Him.
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Her.
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Couples.
- 2018 Christmas Gift Guide - For Dogs.
- What Is A Xbox Game Pass Plus Competition.
- Parenting - Making Those Important, and Not So Imp...
- Sporting Injuries: How To Recover Successfully
- My 3 Top Sensible Tips On Updating a Guest Room fo...
- 50 Days of Christmas With Boots
- Advent Calendar Feature 2018
- Avoid The Top Christmas Gift Mistakes This December
- Teaching Your Child the Importance of Good Behavio...
- Top 4 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas Season
- Competition - Win a BABY born® Soft Touch Doll.
- The Importance Of Interior Design During Home Impr...
- Parenting - How To Get Children Outside More.
- Making a Living? Don't Forget About Your Life!
- The Not So Obvious Dangers That Can Hurt Your Child.
- Smart Home-Keeping Decisions Any Family Can Make
- How To Give Back To Your Parents.
- 3 Situations When a Parent Should Hire a Lawyer.
- My Take On The October Blog Tag
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- Making Easy Money Through ETFs