Parents are powerful role models for children. Whether it be for guidance, support, advice, or a big hug; they surely have our “backs” – so to speak. They stand firm in our corner, teach us vital life skills and comfort us in a time of need.

Life can get super hectic and busy, but we mustn’t forget to show our parents some respect and honour for all the things they have gifted us. Giving back to our parents can be as simple as a few spoken words, it doesn't have to be something big, even something small that makes them feel appreciated and loved by us goes a long way.
Write Them A Poem.
Words are incredibly powerful and can uplift us in ways we sometimes can’t fathom. Get creative and write a heartfelt poem about how much they mean to you. Poems have a way of pulling at our heartstrings and are touching sentiments that are deeply personal. Not only is this unique, but it isn’t something you can buy or look up on the internet either – it’s dedicated to your parents. Don’t worry if it isn’t a Shakespearean masterpiece, just tap into your feelings and the words will flow.
A Sentimental Gift.
A sentimental gift doesn’t just boil down to the cost – it’s the amount of “thought” that has gone into the present and that is priceless. Being able to gift a loved one with such a lovely present – is also heart-warming for you too! It’s a display of that special place they hold in our hearts. We all love the feeling of being appreciated and loved, and sentimental gifts give us the chance to pass on that feeling.
A Memory Book.
We all have an old family album lying around somewhere. Give it a new lease of life and create a memory book. Gift them a gift they can cherish with a personalised lifetime memory book. The memory book is better than your average photo album and is sure to bring some pretty big heartwarming smiles your way.
They can pop in photo’s of their awesome grandchildren, record significant life events, reminisce the past and tell the story of their life. It’s difficult to track our family tree, and our parents have so many stories and legacies to tell – so why not encourage them to jot them down. It could quite possibly, be a family heirloom for future generations.
Support Them Financially.
A little can go a long way when it comes to supporting our parents financially. It could simply be taking care of a small bill, that they don’t have to think about for the month. If you opt for this option, consider how much money you can spare them, but still be in the safe zone with your bank account, your parents wouldn't want you leaving yourselves short.
I hope that's given you a few useful ideas to show your parents how much they really mean to you. If you’re still stuck on how to say “thank you”, Sunlife have written a great blog post on how to show that you’re eternally grateful for all the sacrifices that they have made for you throughout their lives.
Until next time,
Jada x
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Disclaimer: This post contains a sponsored link.
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