The Busy Box is a new company who has recently just started up. Me and Spud love arts and crafts as you may be able to tell from some of our previous post. The Busy Box company does loads of different Busy Boxes all on different themes.
''Busy Boxes are full of craft activities and projects. Each box comes with all the bits and bobs needed to complete the several projects, with plenty left over for more creativity!
Busy Boxes are sturdy and reusable, with their own child sized carry handle. They are perfect for storing lots of crafty bits and completed treasures!''

We was sent a busy box for review during our Halloween feature to review during our Halloween party, unfortunatly I wasn't able to get any picture's of the children busy with the busy box but I was able to save 2 of everything so this post is of Spud and his little friend reviewing The Busy Box for us.

The Halloween Busy Box contains a scratch art
skeleton, a design your own Trick or Treat bag, a mask, a cut out to
decorate, a pumpkin and bat to decorate, spooky foam stickers, black and
orange card, pipe cleaners, gummed stars, googly eyes and black pom
poms to make spiders and a glitter glue.

What I first noticed about The Busy Box was the warning on the back of the box advising it is not suitable for children until the age of 3 and adult supervision is required.

Our Busy Box was full of fabulous craft items!

I shared out the items so Spud and his friend both had 1 of everything. The above picture is what Spud's friend chose.

The picture above is the items Spud chose.

The children got 'busy' straight away colouring in their mask that was included in the busy box.

Then they got busy making a picture each, we wasn't sent a guide on what to do with the items included in the box but I have since discovered that guide's are now being sent out with The Busy Box which is fab!

The children then got busy colouring in their Halloween shaped plain cards.

The mask was really easy to make, I literally had to put the elastic provided through the already made holes and that was it, the mask were made.

Above is a picture of Spud and his pumpkin mask he decorated himself.

And lastly is a picture of Spud's friend with the mask he decorated by himself.
We still have loads of stuff left in our Busy Box, I will definitely consider purchasing one in the near future!
The Busy Box has everything in it that you need to keep your children 'busy' for a couple of hours and can easily last for a few weeks with all the fabulous items included!
The Busy Boxes cost £9.99 plus P&P, to view the other great Busy Box items check out the official website.
Until next time,
Jada x
Jada x
Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was allowed to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless otherwise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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