Tuesday 30 October 2012

My 100th Post!!

I would just like to say thank you to all my lovely readers, subscribers, members of GFC, my visitors and all my family and friends, the companies who have given me opportunities to review their products, thank you for your continuous support for me and my blog. I started my blog wanting to shout out about the non-stereo typical teenage mother, I have received some lovely comments and personal emails in regards to teenage parenting.

  I have shared some personal things with you, lots of product reviews, hosted a few competitions, cyber met loads of lovely lovely people, hosted a feature party and I am attending my first blogging event very soon.

I hope in the few posts I have shared that some of you have changed your mind on teenage parent's. Not all of us have our babies for the money and the accommodation, not all of us leave our babies every weekend to go out clubbing and binge drink, not all of us are under social services care, not all of us have naughty children, we are not all the same.

I am Unique Young Mum.

Unique Young Mum blog has become a part of my life, whenever I am out and I receive a email on the go (technology these days!) from one of my lovely readers/visitors it always puts a smile on my face, I love engaging with my readers/visitors and fellow bloggers from all over the globe, not just parent bloggers all bloggers, food bloggers, multiple bloggers, review bloggers, support bloggers and many many more!

I am here to stay folks I'm afraid, you've put up with me for nearly 3 months now, it has been one of the best experiences I've ever had, blogging can bring so many emotions, its such a great relief to be able to get things off your chest, who knew a laptop/computer could bring such a thing!! 

So again a massive thank you to all of you, I hope you will continue to support me and show the blog some love.

Until next time,
Jada x


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