Sunday 21 October 2012

Our Halloween Monster's Mash (Halloween Party)

Little scary decorations with ugly looking toes, beautiful little people wearing really scary clothes, one by one they knocked on the door, 10 minutes later they was all sat on the floor. They was waiting for an announcement from the vampire clan, ohh what fun we had in store we was ready to spill the plan.

We have spooky treats and spooky food, chicken nuggets with a fish tail stew, plenty to drink and plenty to do are you all ready for the monster's do! Orange cakes and sticky toffee bars lots of cupcakes and a sweetie jar.

6 little people with faces so fine came to the party ready to dine, hidden by their mask brought from the shop were werewolfs, frankeinstine, skully, a cute little bat and a baby wearing a cute spider top!


This was my blog's first ever party and before I start this post properly I would just like to say thanks to the 23 companies who are involved, my Dad for letting me have the party at his, my family for coming and helping me set it all up and get organised, and to all my lovely readers/visitors and lovely fellow bloggers for all their kind words and support.
Whilst the adults discussed this years Halloween plans, the children had lots to do, Sainsbury's sent us a pumpkin pinata which we filled with treats before our guest arrived, The Busy Box sent a box filled with Halloween crafts for the kids to make, the Co-Operative sent 2 boxes of decorate your own gingerbread pumpkins which the kids made.


They played stick the mouth on the skeleton game which we purchased from Morrisons for £2.

They watched Daddy I'm A Zombie DVD and was read Tamara Small & The Monster's Ball book by Grandad.

Next came the food...

We all had a feast fit for a king or in this case some scary looking hungry little monsters! My sister done some bat shaped cheese sandwiches and some bat shapes ham sandwiches too, we also had a mixture of pizza's, sausage rolls, cocktail sausages, chicken nuggets, prawn cocktail and french stick slices and the kiddies also had some Halloween shaped potato pieces which we purchased from Lidl.

Then the treats....

The sweet treats were brought out next which included some Frankenstein fiendish fancies and shock orange cake bars from Mr Kipling, cinder toffee bars and toffee mini rolls from Cadbury, slimey limey mini cupcakes and spooky choccy orange mini cupcakes from The Fabulous Bakin Boys and our amazing cake and cupcakes from HER Cakes.

And our fabulous giant iced cookie from Millies Cookies!

 Asda sent a costume for the 3 older boys along with all their other great stuff they sent. They sent a werewolf for little big man, a skeleton for big boy & a skeleton for Spud. Dirty Fingers sent a long sleeved baby grow for the youngest baby who will be 1 on November 1st and a top for Baby Boo so there was a costume change with the last hour to go.

We even turned the cake into a Birthday Cake for little big mans birthday next week as we will be away and wont be seeing any of the family.

 Time was getting on and the children was getting tired, after cutting the cake we all pulled a Halloween cracker that Sainsbury's had sent and then it was time to say goodbye, the children were given their 'party bags' in this case filled up plastic pumpkins as they had so much stuff!! 

The babies had plastic pumpkins from Tesco costing 50p each, a monster snack pot which I got from Asda on offer, a packet of Cadbury buttons, 2 packets of Annabel Karmel baby biscuits, a mini Milkybar, a Milkybar ghost a Nestle animal bar, some Swizzels Matlow rainbow drops and their item from Dirty Fingers each.

 The older kids had loads! I will do a separate post about this another time!

Don't worry I am off for now but I still have loads more to talk about including some fab reviews! Keep your eyes peeled I will be back!



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