Tuesday 2 October 2012

The Blogs 2 Month's Old Today!

Wow I can't believe the blog is 2 months old today already, time really does fly by doesn't it. In this short amount of time I have had the opportunity to interact with some amazing parent bloggers and discover companies I have never heard of. I have received over 10 emails from fellow young parents asking for advice etc which I have been happy to give when I can. I would like to say a massive thanks to my readers, weather you subscribe or visit on a regular basis, hey I'd even like to thank the visitor's who have checked out the blog once and never came back lol. I have just checked the stats before writing this post and I'm amazed to discover I have had 7047 hits truly amazing so thank you all again for all your support =D

I hope in the post related to teenage parenting, you have been able to discover I am different from the stereo typical teenage mother and that is why I class myself as the unique young mummy. I hope you are enjoying what I have been posting and are enjoying the fabulous products we have been sent to review! I would also like to thank the companies for doing this as understandably I am a new blogger so thanks for giving me the trust, especially Drumond Park games for giving me that first ever opportunity.

My baby is getting big, not large, taller, it's like all the sweetcorn he eats is actually making him grow into a giant. I am thinking soon the days of Cbeebies will be over as he does still enjoy a fair few programs on there and here comes the days of CBBC. Will that also mean soon he will be embarrassed to give me a kiss when I drop him off to school?

Talking about school, the bullying has seemed to stop which is great. I chose Spud's school because of it's Ofsted number 1 score for the last so many years, I must give praise to the school as they are quick for sorting out problems and do make sure the bottom of the problem is reached. Spud still tries and worms his way out of school with any excuse possible but we are slowly getting better.

Can you believe we are in October already? Only a few months and a bit away until the new year already it's mental isn't it really, and only a few months and a bit away until Christmas!! My favourite holiday of the year!! Then my second favourite of the year is only 29 days away... Halloween doesn't it sound mad when you say it's only 29 days away!!

Anytime from mid October, the blog will change, just a little bit, well I am hoping so anyway! There will be a Halloween style theme and design, and also my favourite part is the Halloween feature I am hosting! Each day, maybe more than once a day in fact, I will be sharing Halloween related products with you all from the amazing companies included in the Halloween feature, so far we have Wilkinsons, LEGO, Spin Master Toys, Popagami, Cadbury, Mr Kipling, POM-BEAR, Swizzles Matlow, Poundland, Millies Cookies, Domino's Pizza and a local cake maker from my area called HER Cakes involved. I still have space available so hopefully as time goes on the list will have more great names added, to check out the upcoming Halloween feature and who's involved check out the reviews page.

So make sure you keep checking back on a regular basis for all the scary spooky stuff I will be recommending this Halloween! Mwauahaha, you've been warned!! 

Until next time,
Jade x


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