Saturday 27 October 2012

MU Cheese Creepy Cottage Pie Recipe

Have you promised the kids a delicious Halloween banquet fit for ghosts and ghouls but are stuck for ideas? MU, the funky new cheddar brand who I recently done a review on (read it here), has thought of some great ideas to help make Halloween MUtastically tasty for the little ones.

Now before I start this post, I will admit I am cheating, I had a problem getting the MU Cheese to me in one piece (long story) I am so busy I have no time to follow the idea's anyway so I have simply copied and pasted this from the press release. I will however one day get round to using the cheese to make something like this, not the exact same as me and Spud are not fans of all the ingredients!

 Mu Creepy Cottage Pie

Makes: 6 portions Prep Time: 45mins Cooking Time: 25mins Preheat oven: 180c

2 tbsp vegetable oil
450g minced beef
1 large onion
100g leek, diced
150g mushrooms, chopped
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
200g swede, diced
200g carrots, diced


500 ml beef stock

For the mashed potato:

675g Maris piper potatoes, peeled

50g salted butter

6 tbsp milk
Sprinkle of white pepper
220g MU Mature, grated
1 egg yolk, beaten for brushing the top

First make the meat sauce. Take a large pan and place on the hob on a high heat. Heat the oil and fry the mince until golden then add the onion and diced carrot and cook for 10mins on a medium heat.

Add the tomato puree and cook for a further 5mins. Then add the mushrooms, leeks, swede and seasoning and cook for a further 5mins.

Add the stock and simmer for 20mins until the stock has reduced by half.

While the meat is cooking boil the potatoes for the mash for 20mins. Drain and mash the potato, then add the milk, butter, cheese and seasoning and beat the ingredients into the potato and set to one side.

By this time the meat should be cooked. Add Worcestershire sauce and stir through.

Place the meat sauce into an oven proof dish and pipe the potato on the to.

Brush with the egg glaze and then bake in the pre-heated oven for 20-25mins until golden brown and crispy.

To find out more read my review on MU Cheese here.

Until next time,
Jada x

Disclosure - I was sent some MU Cheese on the basis to review it and feature it in my Halloween feature, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's or have been taken from the official press release in regards to the product unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.


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