don't know about you but when I think of Arts and Crafts, glue, paint,
glitter and mess spring to mind. You have to put a old sheet down to
protect the table or floor, an apron for the kiddies and even one for
yourself, and prepare yourself for some messy sticky fun, but wait..
When I was given the opportunity to review a Arts and Crafts set
from HABA I took up the opportunity as me and Spud love Arts &
Crafts as you may be able to tell from some of our previous post.
me introduce you to a whole different meaning of Arts and Crafts, we was sent
The Moo & Baa Tack Zap from HABA last week, as usual Spud couldn't
wait to try out the great set he had been sent. (The picture below is a
different box from the one we got sent, and is in German writing, I have
just took this from the press release to show you.)

the box we fount a instruction manual, 45 wooden shapes ranging from
animals, people, vehicles, nature and plants, a bag of metal tack nails,
a wooden hammer and a cork board.

wooden shape has a small hole in the centre, ready for the metal tack
to be inserted so children can hammer it down onto the cork board. We
didn't really need instructions, just from looking at the objects and
the picture we could figure out what we needed to do. Spud picked his
first wooden piece he wanted to hammer down onto the cork board, placed
the wooden piece onto the board and inserted a tack into the centre
hole, he then tapped down the tack with the hammer.
the set comes with a hammer and metal tacks, I was very comfortable
with letting Spud play with the set by himself, the tacks are small, not
very sharp at all and the hammer in my opinion is harmless, although
any object being held, swung and thrown about could be a danger, I would
advise children to not walk around with the hammer or any tack nails in
their hand.
Here is the little wooden hammer that comes with the Moo & Baa Tack Zap

you can see in the background of the picture above, the cork board is
filled with loads of different wooden objects. The picture below is
Spud's first ever attempt at making a picture scene. The objective of
this set is to help with children's hand and eye co-ordination and for
young artist to use their imagination to make a picture out of the
wooden shapes.

great thing about this Arts & Crafts set is not only the fact that
it is tidy, no aprons are needed, no paint/glue/glitter will be over
your child's hands/face/body or on your table or floor, its reusable, so
your child/children can play with the set over and over again, creating
hours of fun. By simply using the other end of the hammer, the wooden
shape is pulled up, you can then remove the nail from the selected piece
and create a whole new picture or clear the cork board ready for play
next time.
is a photo of Spud with a 'picture' he created, since the day we
received the product, I have not gone a day without seeing this out on
the floor. Spud loves the fact he doesn't have to wait for Mummy to be
free and he loves the fact he is doing Arts & Crafts, only without
the mess!

is also another two products available from the Tack Zap range and that
is The Geo Shape Tack Zap set and Springtime Butterflies Tack Zap.
The Moo & Baa Tack Zap retails at £14.99 and is available from Haba online.
For more information on HABA UK and all their great products check out the official HABA website.
- I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not
received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was
compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views
are of my own/Spud's or have been taken from the official press release
in regards to this product unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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