Friday 19 October 2012

Lego 9463 Review: Monster Fighters - Werewolf

This post is apart of the Halloween feature taking part on my blog during the 18th-31st October 2012. To find out the full list of the 23 companies involved click on the picture below.

When we was given the opportunity to do a Lego review, I quickly replied and said we would love too. Lego has been around for many years, I'm 22 and I played with it when I was little that says enough doesn't it! My little sister is madly obsessed with Lego and Spud has slowly picked up her addiction! When we was told we would be receiving a Lego Monster Fighters - The Werewolf set we was excited, perfect for our Halloween feature and what a fab toy it would make for any child this Halloween.

The set contains 243 pieces and is aimed at Children between the ages of 7-14 years.

 I loved the fact that the 2 different parts came in 2 separate bags making it a lot easier for us to piece together. 

Considering it was the first time we had put one of these sets together I was impressed as it only took us 20 minutes to make. Spud did need help, although he was able to do lot's of the building together himself.

The above picture show's Spud and the werewolf's target!

Next we started on the werewolf this was the part Spud was most excited about!

I love the Lego instructions, they are so clear and easy to understand, the step by step numbered guide tell you what parts you need and how many of them.

Here is the finished project, at the back you push down a red lever and the gateway opens up ready for the werewolf to pounce on his victim and he literally does do that!

The Lego Monster Fighter Werewolf is available to buy with the suggested RRP of £17.99

For more information on the Lego Monster Fighter range or to purchase the Lego Monster Fighter Werewolf check out the Official Lego Shop.

Until the next Halloween related post,

Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's or have been taken from the official press release in regards to this product unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.


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