Wednesday 24 October 2012

POM-BEAR Limited Edition Pickled Onion Halloween Crisp

Spud loves the POM-BEAR crisp, his favourite at the moment seems to be the smokey bacon ones

POM-BEAR has released a limited edition pickled onion flavour just in time for Halloween. We were sent the multipack of 6 to review.

Now I'm not sure about you but when I hear pickled onion I automatically get the shivers with the bitter taste I imagine in my mouth. I have never tried Spud with pickled onion because I'm sure like me he wouldn't be a fan of the flavour but POM-BEAR has somehow gave the pickled onion flavour to the crisp without the strong bitter taste. The crisp are mild and I even enjoyed a few out of the packet leftover from the party that Spud had in his packed lunch box on Monday, but he didn't eat them at school, instead, he ate them as soon as he got home, he said he wanted to share them with me, my cute little darling boy.

 The limited-edition Halloween POM-BEAR crisp went down a right treat at our Halloween blog feature party, you can read all about that here, until then why don't you try out the limited edition POM-BEAR crisp? They are available at most supermarkets and I see them at Asda last week for just £1!

Until next time,

 Disclosure - I was sent these products on the basis to review them, I have not received a payment for reviewing these products but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the products. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.


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