Wednesday 22 August 2012

Our Toyologist Application.

I have never heard of the Toyologist team before until last week when I see a few other bloggers posting their application's for it. I am glad I know this year as I feel Spud is just the right age to take part in such a great scheme. So here is our 2nd part of the application. Wish us luck =).

When I read the part that you have to review your child's favourite toy it took me ages to think of what I could choose, if you personally ask Spud what he loves he would say Mickey Mouse but he honestly couldn't say what his favourite Mickey Mouse item is, he has over 35 Mickey DVD's, over 20 books, every toy going, games and loads more.

However, Spud doesn't play with one certain Mickey Mouse thing on a daily basis, each day he plays with something different from his Mickey Mouse range, one thing he does play with every day though is his V-Tech Kidizoom multimedia digital camera.

If he isn't snapping away taking pictures, he is recording video's, editing photo's or playing games. I can't say for sure I think Spud is going to be into photography because he may end up like me, I have changed path's so much in life, but one thing I am sure of is since he purchased the camera in March for his 6th Birthday out of his Birthday money, he has not gone a day without using it. One of his favourite things to do is to take photo's of everyone who visit's our home, here is a picture of the camera screen of one of his little friend's who he took a picture of. Spud's friend's love having a go themselves on the camera taking photo's of anything and everything with fascination.

Believe it or not Spud's camera has flash with a 1.8 inch colour LCD screen and is 2mp which I think is very good for a child's camera. I trust Spud to take his camera out with us because it is very child proof, the number of times he has accidentally dropped the camera is unbelievable considering it doesn't have 1 single scratch on it.

Included with the camera was a usb lead and a few cases we could easily clip onto the camera, every now and again Spud will change the clip but that doesn't effect the camera's use in anyway. Using the usb lead and setting it up to our laptop is incredibly easy, connecting the camera to the laptop allows you to play games, view video's and edit photo's on a larger screen (don't worry though you can still do this on the camera it self). Spud finds the games useful for car journey's and loves the photo editing he can do, he loves taking pictures of Mummy and making my photo into a funny face or adding fishes to my photo.

The camera's design is also great, very easy for a child to use and understand, the camera also has a 16gb internal memory and accepts memory cards as well, another great thing I have actually just noticed since starting this post is that the batteries have not ran out once since March! Considering Spud is on this every day taking photo's, making video's, playing games and editing photo's is amazing! 

So who knows my Spud may become a photographer when is older and I can show him these photo's of his early days, or it may be a phase he is going through, either way it educates him on camera's a little bit and photography of course. Above is a photo of spud getting the settings right on his camera ready to snap a picture of his 2 little cousin's, he of course shout's commands at them too, 'put your hand down', 'look straight at me', and we cant forget ''say CHEESE''.

I love my little boy and my little boy loves me (& his blue Kidizoom Multimedia Camera too!).

V-Tech Kidizoom Camera's come in pink and blue. Since purchasing this product for Spud there are newer versions of Kidizoom camera's available.

You can buy them from Toys R Us and many other top toy retailers. 

Until next time,
Jade x

*I was not asked to do this review, we purchased the camera for Spud out of our own pocket and have done the review for the Toys R Us Toyologist 2012 application. All comments are of my own/Spud's and have not been influenced in any way shape or form.


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