Thursday 8 January 2015

There's Always Something That Goes Wrong!

To say I was a little un-organised ahead of my move would most probably be a massive understatement, to say the least. It was only the evening before the move that my brother and his friend Joe got into my attic for me, and seven years of stuff, and a woman scared to even poke her head in the attic meant that attic was full to the brim.

I had no clue how to dismantle Spud's mid-sleeper bed, I own screwdrivers, but knowing how to use them is a whole different story isn't it? I mean when someone ask for a specific screwdriver, I come back with every screwdriver I own, because saying a fancy word to me in request of a tool means nothing to me. Sometimes I wonder how I not only got myself onto a construction course, but also passing it too.

Dolled up on a daily basis, with my long hair perfectly straightened, acrylic salon nails on, and sometimes even false eyelashes, all whilst wearing overalls covered in paint, plaster and cement and wearing the heaviest steel toe boots in the world! Literally, they was so heavy it was a mission for me to pick my feet up to walk! But hey ho, I passed the test, with flying colours and photographic evidence I may add!

Anyway, back to the move, the TV was still firmly drilled into the wall, and I'm even worse with a drill then I am a screwdriver, I don't even know how to turn them on, let alone how to use one! So on the actual moving day, not only did my dad, brothers and brother in law have to move me, but they also had to take a mid-sleeper bed apart, a TV off the wall and help me pack last minute bits and clean!

Enjoying my last sleep in the flat the night before the morning of the move, I didn't actually think about my bed, and how it was going to fit through the door in one piece. It was only when I heard my dad say an inappropriate word that I ventured into the bedroom I slept in for the last seven years to see my dad standing above the bed, that was now upside down and broken, literally pieces of wood, metal and leather everywhere!

I knew the bed was on it's way out, I had got it around 20 months earlier after my bed randomly broke one day, not having appropriate funds to spend big dosh, I went for the cheapest I could find out of the style I liked, I never expected it to last as long as it did to be honest, and the mattress was horribly hard, so actually the bed breaking was most probably a favour if any!

I binned the bed and the mattress just minutes before the last load of my possessions was loaded onto the removal lorry, making use of the shared grundon style bins at the flat of course! I think I was so excited to be getting out of a place that caused misery for so long, and also the fact that I had just brought a new bed before even stepping foot into my new property, I didn't actually think about where I was suppose to sleep that night due to me throwing the mattress away too!

Luckily, my dad let me and Spud stay at his that night, and whilst their I searched for a cheap double mattress online, my bed had already been purchased, and a bed without a mattress is like a Queen without her King! I luckily found Mattresses Online that has the option of next day delivery, and so knew I'd be able to sleep in my new bed with the new mattress on the same day!

There's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel, but there seems to be an obstacle course and a half to get through before we reach it. Luckily the bed was the only thing that broke during the move, apart from my heart that is! However, I've been brought up with the right attitude in life, you pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start again!

I know at the moment I am not feeling myself, but I'm grateful for the roof above our heads, and even my lovely new bed! I know this house will one day be home, and I look forward to my first sleepover/slumber party!

Jada x


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