Wednesday 14 January 2015

Competition: The first of 2015!

Good morning everyone, I hope you're all having a lovely day so far? I got my first soaking of the year this morning, completely drenched through thanks to the pouring downfall of the rain we've had! We've just recently moved and out of about seven umbrella's, I could only find one! So putting both mine and Spud's coat on this morning, I of course gave Spud the umbrella to get to school, and then I used it for the way back home, but the rain had already soaked right through!

Thinking of the first bad rainfall of the year, it got me thinking of other first things of the year, yesterday I had lunch with my girls for the first time (of the year), a Pizza Hut buffet to be precise! Although I felt a bit silly as we sat there discussing diet options, another first of the year - one and hopefully the only diet of the year!

Then I thought about Unique Young Mum, and although I've made no proper new year resolutions, I have lots planned for Unique Young Mum and so for the first one of hopefully many during 2015, I thought I would throw the first competition of the year!

I'm not far away from 500 followers on Instagram, and so I thought I would throw a £5 Amazon voucher competition to help me get to the 500 follower mark!

To enter the competition, all you need to do is follow me on Instagram @uniqueyoungmum and leave a comment on the above image (on Instagram) so I know your Instagram name! This is a competition entirely for my blog readers, so please do make sure you do the one requirement to gain entry!

Good luck everyone!

Jada xx


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