Wednesday 21 January 2015

School Goals for Parents of School Aged Children.

*Guest Post*
School goals for parents
Well, if your child is old enough to go to a school, here are some basic (yes important) goals for you. Yes, you!
Don’t keep a tight schedule
Having a tight schedule means you are burdening yourself with responsibilities and as a mother, your child is over dependent on you. However, if something is wrong with your child, he or she might not tell you about it. You should be in the frame of mind to understand their silence and ask them about it.
If you have a tight schedule, you might miss their silence and confuse it with tiredness. So, keep your mind free when your child is around and communicate with them on a regular basis.
You, and only you, can avoid a crisis.
TIP: Buy a planner and plan your things in such a way that you find enough time for your children. You can buy it at is a one-stop online store that lists products at a price lower than the retail price of the products. Also, there are coupons for Sears that will help you invest your savings wisely.

Talk to the teachers
Talk to your child/children's teacher about your child’s progress and performance at school.
Many parents fear talking to teachers thinking that they might be rude, while some parents avoid communicating with the teachers because they do not realise that the teachers are helping their children grow in the best way possible. Some feel that talking to the principal is enough.
Let me tell you that in each of the above cases, the parent is wrong.
One should understand that developing a working relationship with teachers is good (and important) because they can guide the parents with shortcomings of the children.
If you have knowledge about their shortcomings, you will be in a position to help your child and make him a better student.
So, stop crying foul and start communicating with the teachers.

Be your child’s home teacher
What your child learns in school will help him/her clear their exams with ease. At home, you can teach them something that is not taught at school.
For example, if you are a good dancer and your child wants to learn dancing, you can teach them to dance at home. However, if you do not have adequate knowledge about something and your child wants to learn it, there are two options for you.
1. Get a tutor and let them teach your children.
2. Surf sites, buy courses online and learn that something with them at home.
Accompanying your child for an activity will give him the freedom to express things in a better way.
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What else should be on your list for your school age and school going kids?
Share your views by commenting below.


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