Friday 16 January 2015

Five Places Spud Would Like To Visit In The Capital!

Spud's birthday is soon approaching and we've been discussing idea's of what we can do for his birthday, we have mainly always done the same thing over the years, with the main choice normally being a party! However after our recent home move, a party at home is just going to be impossible, the house is still in dire need of a lot of work, and the garden, well, that's in just a bad state too!

So currently, at the top of Spud's birthday plans list is a trip to the capital (London) with mummy, where he hopes to see a few famous sites and spend a lot of money! I would actually rather us do this, then me spending a large chunk of money on hiring out a hall, entertainers, a bouncy castle etc.

We're very luckily only 25 minutes away from London on the fast train, well even if we didn't get the fast train it's only about 40 minutes away! I also have a family and friends railcard so we I will also save money on our tickets for the day, which includes all London routes, tubes, and buses!

So here are the five places Spud would love to cram into his weekend, I thought I would write a post that he can look back on when he's older, just in case he ever has one of those years where he's just like ''I don't know what to do for my birthday!''.

1: Lego Store

I'm not surprised this would be the first place he'd want to visit as soon as we'd arrive in London, Spud is Lego mad, completely Lego obsessed and I'm pretty sure it's all he thinks about 24/7!

2: Ripley's Believe It Or Not

Spud loves things like the world record, and mysteries, he's asked about visiting this family attraction in London for a while now, so I wasn't surprised that it came second on his list of places he'd like to visit!

3: London Transport Museum

Spud loves buses, I mean really really really LOVES buses, so this museum sounds right up his street of interest! Spud loves buses so much, when writing his fifth birthday wish list out, he asked for every timetable of every local bus!

4: Buckingham Palace

Spud's never shown interest in the Royal family, so I was quite surprised when he asked if we could visit the palace. I had to explain to him we couldn't actually go outside, but we could stand outside and take photos! It was then that he told me, oh I know that mum, I just want to see a red soldier!

5: Harrod's

Of course, when it's your birthday the only natural thing to do is go out and spend your birthday money! Why not do it in style and spend it at Harrod's? Well, that's what my boy wants to do, and I can't really see why he wouldn't want too! I've never been myself, so to say I'm a little bit overexcited is quite an understatement!

So there you go, that's the five places Spud has requested to visit for his birthday trip to the capital! It involves Lego, buses, strangeness, 'red' soldiers and shopping to say it, in short, anything for my boy!

Until next time,
Jada x


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