YAZOO, the nation’s favourite milkshake, belongs to an exclusive selection of drinks which meet current government legislation for drinks that can be freely sold in schools. Parents can be assured that it is a healthier alternative to high sugar soft drinks and an ideal lunchbox filler, at price that’s right, so when we was given the opportunity to review some YAZOO milkshakes, I took up the offer and received them by Ice the very next morning.
We received 4 YAZOO banana milkshakes and 2 YAZOO strawberry milkshakes, children between the ages of 7-10 years should get at least 550mg of
calcium each day and a small 200ml bottle of YAZOO provides kids with
30% of their RDA , so there’s no tastier way of getting calcium into
their bodies than a YAZOO milkshake!
Spud wanted one straight away, and choose banana. They come in 200ml bottles and are a great way to get calcium into kids who are not so keen on milk like my Spud! With milk being one of the best sources of calcium which is vital for healthy growth and strong bones I know that although Spud doesn't like milk, he loves milkshakes which is an alternative way to give him the nutrients he needs.
I didn't have to worry about Spud not being able to open the milkshake by himself, the lid is large and was quite easy to unscrew, and the straw that came in a protective packaging just pops into the foil lid covering the milkshake.
Although we was sent only 2 flavours, YAZOO also does a chocolate flavour milkshake, so for children who don't like banana or strawberry there is always chocolate :) Spud loved both flavours and I will be buying the chocolate ones on our next shopping day. I asked Spud what his thoughts were on the milkshakes and he said delicious and yummy.
When Spud started back at school, I inserted a milkshake into his packed lunch box, although his school does sell milk, Spud doesn't like plain milk, he will have it with cereal and that's about it. So now I don't have to worry about my little man getting his daily milk fix as I now know about the facts for YAZOO, not only does a a small 200ml bottle of YAZOO contains about 30% RDA of calcium but it also contains 6g of protein and can make
a good contribution to the daily protein intake kids need!
''According to health expert Dr Jennie Cockroft (Director of Nutrition at Purely Nutrition Ltd), “Many children’s drinks have been banned from schools and lunchboxes but because YAZOO contains no artificial sweeteners or preservatives and less than 5% added sugar, your school will be happy for you to pop one in your child’s lunchbox to quench their thirst at lunch or to keep them going on the way home. Not only that but you’ll be providing your child with a healthy calcium-kick at the same time”.''
I know what will be a regular on my shopping list when I do the weekly shop each week now! I only wish I knew about the facts of YAZOO before hand!
YAZOO milkshakes are available in 200ml, 475ml and 1 litre formats.
For more info visit the official YAZOO website.
Disclosure - I was sent these products on the basis to review them, I have not received a payment for reviewing these products but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the products. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's and facts were taking from a press release, this review was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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