Saturday 15 September 2012

A Little But Long Catch Up

I'm sorry,  I apologise for deserting my blog for the last week, you know the last post I done.. Well I kind of started doing work on every single room. I was stood in the kitchen making our curry, and looking at the horrible old kitchen cupboards and the plain colour of the walls made me feel depressed down, so that was that, the next day I sorted out the kitchen, its still in need of a lot of work, the worktops and cupboards are falling apart a little bit more on a daily basis, but I live in a council property and yes I am grateful that we have a roof over our heads but until I pay for a repair I cant even ask them to replace repair my kitchen, and that repair will not be paid by me as I refuse to pay when the council owe me so much money that I'll never see a penny of!

I think this week has truly been the worse week of 2012 for me, I got ripped off so I've lost quite a bit of money, won't go into that too much as it's not something I wish to talk about.

I discovered Spud has had another incident with a child who upset him really badly last year, resulting in Spud having a sore leg and not eating one mouthful of lunch. I must admit though, Spud's new teacher was excellent in dealing with the child in mention which is fantastic, and the last two days of the week Spud was happy to go to school and his usual eating habits returned. It's one of a parent's worse nightmares isn't it? Finding out your child is getting bullied? Even though the school would not like to class it as this, in my eyes it is bullying, this child knew that what he done last year was really really bad (a knife was mentioned, by one 5 year old to another (my Spud) and so he must of known that pushing my Spud over and laughing at him for no reason at the beginning of the week wasn't a nice thing to do either is it? I am just glad Spud was finally able to tell me what was going on, I know this is hard for some children to do, I have always persuaded Spud to be open and honest with me, I just hope and Pray that if any thing should ever happen again in the future he feels open enough to be able to tell me what is going on and not be left to deal with the problems by himself.

Then I received a phone call yesterday evening around 7pm from Spud's father telling me that his Auntie had died, this was the lady who took him (Spud's father) in when he had no one else (Spud's Grandparents died before he was born in the Liberian war) so it was very sad news to receive, although Spud cant remember her, it is still a shock to me, may her soul rest in peace.

On another note, I read a status yesterday or the day before saying it's only 15 weeks til Christmas! I hope your all getting ready for it as those 15 week's will fly by! My favourite holiday of the year! I'm like a big kid I'm so excited I really cant wait! But my second favourite holiday is only a month and a few weeks away.. HALLOWEEN

Halloween is just around the corner, where for 1 night of the year, children and adults dress up in spooky, scary costumes and either trick'n'treat or attend a party.

The lovely people from Wilkinsons have asked me & Spud to do reviews on a range of Halloween items they will be selling, so watch out for them that will be arriving soon! We also have got some scary LEGO sets to review, just in time for Halloween! We have also been sent a DR Dreadful Lab from Spin Master which my little sister will be reviewing for us along with Spud as her assistant mwuahahaha.

Watch out for the Halloween Feature on my blog next month where I will be sharing with you costumes, decorations, scary treats, toys and more!

Until next time,
Jade xx


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