Sunday 30 September 2012

Bandai Pokemon Black & White Poke Ball Twister Figure Review

Ahh Pokemon the franchise that began in Japan in 1995 and is now one of the worlds most entertaining children's brands in the world, I was 5 years old when Pokemon first came out and I remember the TV series fondly, me and my brother collected the cards and watched the Pokemon movie at the cinema with our Mum. Spud watches Pokemon on CITV and was delighted when we was given the opportunity to review a Pokemon Poke Ball Twister Figure from Bandai.

The Poke Ball Twister Figure includes 1 figure, a weighted base and axle, we was sent Snivy to review although there are 5 available to collect.

Spud doesn't like waiting but to be honest what child does? So you can imagine how happy he was to discover after Mummy had a quick read through the instructions all that needed to be done was for Snivy to be attached to the weighted base and then the base clicked into the Poke Ball.

From the above picture above you may be thinking the Poke Ball doesn't close when the base and figure is attached, I thought the exact same, how wrong was I,

The Poke Ball is targeted for children aged 4+ and is great for hand to eye co-ordination skills as the weighted base has to be inserted back into the Poke Ball correctly for the twisting part of the toy to work correctly. The colours are bold and do really stand out which is what children like!

The idea of the Pokemon Poke Ball is for the figure to come spinning out of the ball, for this a cord needs to be pulled which is located at the back of the ball, as you may be able to see in the photo above, Spud is having a quick check to see what he needs to do.
Once the cord is pulled the Pokemon figure will come spinning out of the ball still on its base, I would suggest it is done on a hard smooth floor such as laminate flooring as when Spud tried it on his bedroom carpet we couldn't get the figure to spin.

The picture above is of the spinning figure hence why the picture is blurry. The toy is very easy to put together and easy for a child to work themselves, I would suggest you purchase more than 1 of these as Pokemon is known for its battles and as they say ''Gotta Catch Em All''. Spud plays with his Poke Ball on a daily basis and even gives himself little see how far he can get the figure to spin.

Pokemon Poke Balls are available for £9.99 from many leading retailers including The Entertainer, Tesco, Toys R Us, Amazon and many more. For more information check out the official Bandai website.

Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's or have been taken from the official press release in regards to this product unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.


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