Monday 4 May 2015

5 Pieces of Revision Advice To Live By.

Getting your kids through exam times might seem harder than taking the tests yourself. Watching your children stress and suffer as assessments loom isn't easy. However, there are ways that you can help to take the pressure off. Here are five pieces of exam advice that should help you to guide your little ones through these trying times and enable them to achieve the results they want.

1) Prepare a plan
First and foremost, help your tots to create a revision plan. Kids often feel overwhelmed when they think about all the things they have to learn in the run up to tests, and this can send them into a blind panic. To prevent this, write down a list of the dates and times of the exams and then with your children, work out exactly what needs to be done and by when. Create a detailed timetable and stick it to the kitchen noticeboard or put it up in your youngster’s bedroom. This way, your child will be able to see that as long as they stick to the schedule, they should be able to keep on top of their revision. Break study sessions up into manageable chunks too. Most kids struggle to concentrate for more than an hour at a time, so encourage them to take regular breaks of 10 to 15 minutes between revision sessions.  

2) Stock up on stationery and materials
Your youngsters will need the right stationery and supplies too. Getting your kids new pens, highlighters and other items can help to make revision more interesting, and make sure you provide blank postcards for your children to condense their notes onto. These small items can serve as effective study prompts. Your little ones will also need the essential books and materials. If your kids go to school, you’ll be able to get lists of the relevant resources from teachers. Meanwhile, homeschooling specialists like also offer comprehensive course materials.

3) Provide the perfect study space
Even with the perfect revision plan and plenty of study supplies, children won’t be able to learn unless they have a comfortable and quiet space to work in. Ideally, this will be a desk in a bedroom, home study or other quiet area. If you think your home’s too noisy and chaotic and you’re struggling for spare space, local libraries can make a good alternative. There’s always the option of using a spare room at a friend, neighbour or relative’s house too.

4) Show support
As well as focussing on these specific issues, it’s important to be there more generally and to show support for your children in the lead up to exams. Make sure you’re around if they need someone to chat to, and be patient with them if they’re moodier or more difficult than usual. After all, they’re bound to be feeling the pressure. It’s useful to stock the fridge with healthy and nutritious snacks too so that your youngsters have plenty of brain food to keep them going.

5) Try some practice tests
Another top tip is to time your kids as they do practice papers, and give feedback to help them improve. You should also offer to go through your children’s school notes and ask them questions to see if there are any gaps in their knowledge.
By following these tried and tested pieces of revision advice, you should be able to help your kids fulfil their exam potential.
Until next time, Jada x


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