Wednesday 20 May 2015

My Perfect Lighting Wish List.

Usually when you move homes, it's just a matter of replacing floors and giving the place a makeover with paint, gloss and wallpaper. Usually when you move homes, you don't have to worry about replacing the skirting boards, the door frames and even the light fittings hanging from each ceiling, but that's usually!

The yellowy/smokey dirt left clinging to every light hanging, accompanied by cob-webs!
When I moved here late last year, I never thought I'd have to replace so many things that don't usually need replacing, however due to the general state of the house it was and is my only option! I've only managed to get two rooms done so far - the front room and kitchen, but still have the rest of the house to do, including the bathroom, upstairs and downstairs hallway, my room and Spud's room!

To keep my spirits up, I'm putting together this wishlist after spending the last hour looking at all the beautiful lights on Lampcommerce! If I won tonight's lottery, it would be the first place I'd shop at, buying new lights for every single room!

The Front Room:

The front room/lounge/living room or whatever else you like to call it has to be the main place in the home isn't it? It's where you sit with the visitors and guest, and spend quality time as a family watching the all time classic Disney films. I've fell in love with this lamp and I've decided if I be extra good this year, Santa may just bring it to me if I save up enough pennies for it!

Spud's Room:

I love, love, LOVE this Axo Muse Wall/Ceiling light, it comes in a choice of nine colours, including the light blue as pictured above, dark blue, white, red, violet, orange, green, yellow and multicolour! Spud's room is next to be done in the house, and I can't wait for him to have a proper room again! Half of his toys are still packed away in boxes due to the room needing to be plastered, decorated and carpeted first! He will finally be able to get out his favourite Lego playsets again as he can't at the moment due to small pieces falling down the floor boards!

My Room:

I absolutely love this iceglobe wall/ceiling lamp! It reminds me of a disco ball only without all the crazy colours spinning around the room! My bedroom is one of my safe havens and one of my most relaxing places to visit! Whenever I am feeling a little low, 10 minutes in there, laying on my bed with the candles lit is relaxation for me! Give me a good book to read and I could quite easily spend hours in there!

The Bathroom:

We have a ridiculously small bathroom here, it seriously is pointless, I don't know why the houses was made to have massive back gardens but yet a seriously small bathroom! Between the toilet and the sink, without being rude, if I was any bigger than what I am now, I'd have a real hard time trying to get in and out of the stupidly small space! However, being a small room has its advantages, like being able to put up a small ceiling light like the one above!

The Kitchen:

I have just had a new kitchen put in and I love it all bar the coving and the cheap and rusty ceiling light that currently sits in it's place! For now I've purchased a cheap one to replace it but I'd eventually love to have this Talo hanging lamp up in my kitchen, isn't it just lovely and super stylish! It would fit right in with my kitchen - that's for sure!

So there we have it, my lights wish list, my list keep me going, keep me motivated to keep on working on this house! Rome wasn't built in a day, and I know one day with lot's of spent pennies I'll eventually have the house I can finally call home!

Until next time,
Jada x


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