Wednesday 28 November 2012

Toucan Box Review

 Now firstly I will apologise as this is a bit of a odd review, I am reviewing a product/company that we have not unfortunately had time to got round to testing out ourselves! However just from opening up the boxes, I am amazed at such a wonderful idea of the Toucan Box.

I had to edit this photo to remove Spud's real name.
 Toucan Box is a fun filled packed briefcase style box filled to the top with arts & craft items containing everything you need to make the 4 task inside the box and even a extra task too!  

Also in each box is a free book download and a book

The beautiful coloured box caught both mine and Spud's eyes straight away, beautiful illustrated pictures with bright lovely colours! Spud loved the fact it was personalised with his name on too! The Toucan Box made him feel very special! 

Each box has four mini boxes filled with each project and a mini guide card to help you make the desired project.

 Everything we need is in the box apart from scissors but I'm pretty sure every household in the country has scissors! You even get mini guide cards with step by step instructions.

Full pallete of paint & a hardback Insects book.
We received the Toucan Box in October when the theme was Insects with a bonus Halloween project (Halloween Spider Web).

Task 1: Honey Bee

Task 2: Butterfly Life Cycle

Task 3: Bug Jar

Task 4: Flicker Firefly

Bonus Task: Halloween Spider Web

Toucan Box can be delivered to your for free and is available in 3 different options
  • Monthly subscription - try for 1 month, cancel any time cost £19.95 a month - equivalent to just £4.60 a week! Add a sibling for just £9.95/month.

  • Six month subscription - easy one off payment , perfect as a gif, cost £18.95 a month. Add a sibling for just £9.95/month.

  •  Annual subscription, best value subscription plan, easy one off payment. Cost £16.95 per month. Add a sibling for just £9.95/month.

You can even buy someone a Toucan box as a gift. Weather its a one off monthly subscription, 6 monthly or yearly the Toucan box is fantastic for them rainy/skint days or even more so for little craft fans!

Toucan Box currently have a special offer on at the moment (at time of publishing this post) where if you purchase a Toucan Box you can get a free mini one!

To find out more about Toucan box check out the official website here, find them on Facebook here or follow them on Twitter here.

Until next time,

 Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.


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