Wednesday 7 November 2012

Our Fun Filled Half Term

Monday brought the term 'back to reality', early nights and early mornings being woken up unnaturally by an annoying alarm clock that you want to throw across the room. Fast forward a week and this is what we got up too during our half term holiday from school!

Days 1-4 ~ Our Mini Holiday

You may of seen a previous post of mine informing you all my lovely big sister Paula and her partner paid for me and Spud to go on a mini holiday (as the kids called it) with them two and their two children (two of my beautiful nephews!) to celebrate little big man's 4th Birthday!! This was what we got up too on our first few days of the half term, we went to Devon Cliff's down in beautiful Devon.

Our New Home For 4 Days
Our View From The Caravan, We Can See The Sea!!
Devon Cliff's is a Haven holiday park, my family have been holidaying with Haven for many years! At least 18 years to be precise, the entertainment is fabulous, paying the right money gets you the right accommodation and the kids love it! During the time we went, they had a lot of Halloween activities going on, the children dressed up and took part in the Halloween party Haven hosted.

Spud In His Costume!
Spud & Little Big Man In Their Costumes!
  We visited a few local towns and spent the rest of the time on the holiday park, it was very cold in our caravan due to the time of the year, staying in wrapped up was the best option for us! The portable DVD player I packed with us come in very handy to keep the kids entertained!

We come across this massive Lego creation in a local toy shop!

On our last night, we dressed the boys in the same Mickey Mouse Halloween tops and went to the entertainment complex and had the boy's photo's done with Roary the tiger! Every time we go away to Haven, its a family holiday tradition to have a photo of all the children together.


The Professional Photo Of The Boys
Ohh and I cant forget all the seagulls, I HATE seagulls, yes I'm fully aware that hate is a strong word thank you very much, but when your son gets attacked by them three times in two days you would hate them too wouldn't you?

Day 5 - My First Blogging Event At Disney HQ
 A couple of week's ago an opportunity came up for a bloggers only event at Disney HQ to talk about some of their latest games that are due to come out, Epic Mickey 2 was one of the games featured. I was delighted to be given an invite, so me, Spud and my Dad headed to London to take part in the event that was hosted at Disney HQ, Spud is a huge Disney fan so was absolutely in his element! I will be doing a separate blog post about the games due for release sometime this week so keep your eyes peeled!

My Sticker - So Proud Lol.
 Spud got to play Epic Mickey 2 and a few other new Disney games, I will be blogging about this very soon!

  And had his face painted by a professional face painter!

Spud the Lion! ''Roarrrrrrr''.

After having lunch which was also provided we was all given a beautiful Halloween themed cupcake each!

 At the end of the day we watched Toy Story 3 in 3D at the Disney HQ cinema.

 Goody bags for both the children and the adults were handed out, we all had a amazing time, Spud has not stopped talking about the event and has asked Father Christmas for Epic Mickey 2!

Day 6 - Halloween!

We went shopping and then got some of the exciting stuff we have been sent to review out, you can check out all reviews we have currently done and upcoming reviews on the review page here!

As I have been poorly, I decided we would be staying in, I purchased Spud a Halloween themed DVD at Asda whilst doing the weekly shop and stocked up on some munchies to celebrate Halloween at home!

We didn't get much visitors, but the ones who did visit got a paper cup full each! We see so many little monster's it brought back memories of our fabulous Halloween monster's mash! Read all about that here.

Day 7 - Sleepover For Spud At Grandads!

My baby stayed at my Dad's for the night with his big cousin, I heard they had a midnight feast, my Dad later told me this midnight feast was hosted at 8pm lol.

Day 8 - Bowling

We hadn't planned bowling as such, we knew we was going to be doing something on this day with my big sister, her two children and our little sister but we didn't know what until the day. We all decided on bowling, so off we went! Spud has been bowling once before with me so he was really excited, not as much as my little big man and my little sister though who had never been before! As we decided on bowling my Mum looked after Baby Boo, otherwise the pins may of been knocked down by a little baby and not bowling balls!

Little Big Man & My Little Sister In The Background.
Spud With His Mickey Mouse Champion Top That Brought Him Some Luck!
Spud Picking His Bowling Ball Ready To Place On The Ramp.

Spud About To Push His Bowling Ball Down The Ramp

Watching One Of His Ball's Go Down To The Pins.
Straight Down The Middle & It's A Strike For My Little Man!

The Results Of Game One, I Won Out Of The Adults & Spud Won Out Of The Kids!
 We went during half term so the game only cost us £2 each, we had two games and for the 5 of us it only cost us £20. I won the first game overall and Spud won out of the children, I come last in the second game and Spud come 2nd in the second game with Little Big Man winning the second game.

We then went for lunch and popped into Salisbury's where the toy sale was on so brought each of the kiddies a toy each including Baby Boo who was being looked after by Nanny.

Day 9 - Film Day & Antibiotics For Mummy

Hurrh, after coughing my guts up all week, I finally was able to get to the doctor's where I was told I have a chest infection, that on top of my asthma has been leaving me feeling totally rubbish, with coughing fits all day long!

The rest of the day was a lazy day, didn't feel like a Saturday at all! We watched a few DVD's then snuggled up to watch the X-Factor after a lovely Chinese, hey I'm ill I couldn't be bothered to cook hehe.

Day 10 - Baby D's Birthday Tea!

Baby D turned 1 the other day, you can read more about that in this post here. Me and Spud along with the rest of the family went to my Dad's to have a Birthday Tea for Baby D, we all had lots of snuggles and kisses with him and handed over his cards and pressies, then out came the Birthday cake and before I knew it, it was time to start making a move ready for Spud to go back to school in the morning!

I would love to know what you all got to over the half term break? The next break is only around the corner, my favourite school holiday of the year!!! Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time,


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