Another Christmas post I know I must be boring you but how else can I blab about all the great products that are either out already or due to be released very soon! When MAM gave Baby Boo the opportunity to review some Christmas soothers for them, my sister was quick to say yes! My sister loves Christmas, her whole family gets kitted out in Christmas jumpers, and Christmas themed hats and socks so I just knew she was going to love the soothers, we just had to see how Baby Boo would take to them.

We was sent a packet of 2 festive soothers suitable for the ages of 6months + we got these back in August when Baby Boo was 14 months old. The packet contained two different designs with 2 different colours; red and white. There was 1 Christmas seal soother and 1 snowflake soother.

Baby Boo had never had MAM soothers before so at first was trying to figure out what his Mummy and Auntie was doing, first giving him a dummy he wasn't used too and then to make matters more weird, I started taking pictures of him too!

After 10 minutes of sussing out his new dummies he finally settled for the white one, not that he knew any difference mind you! Unfortunatley he wouldn't settle with me taking photo's of him though, a real mummies boy who couldn't take his eyes off his mummy, aww. The soothers have been put away and are waiting for the advent season to start to make their come back!

MAM also have another pack of 2 Christmas style soothers for sale, the polar bear and penguin. Again they are sold in packs of 2.
Available to buy with a suggested RRP of £4.58 from Boots and the online MAM Shop.
To find out more about MAM UK, check out their official website.
Until next time,
Jada x
Jada x
Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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