Friday 9 November 2012

Steam'n'Speed R/C Thomas Review *Christmas*

They're two they're four they're six they're eight, shunting trucks and hauling freight
red and green and brown and blue, they're the really useful crew. All with different roles to play, round Tidmouth sheds or far away, down the hills and round the bends... Thomas and his friends.

Aww that theme tune from Thomas, that cute theme tune you sing along too every time your child watches Thomas. My Grandad was a huge train fan, I remember watching Thomas when I was a little girl, the theme tune and some of the characters may be new but good old Thomas has not changed at all.

When Fisher Price asked us if we would like to test out the new Steam'n'Speed Radio Controlled Thomas, I snapped up the chance delightfully and waited eagerly for our parcel to arrive, I kept the Fisher Price stuff a surprise from Spud (oh yes there is more than 1 Fisher Price review coming your way!! Check back soon for some amazing Mickey Mouse items!!) and you should of seen his face when he opened up the box! The huge smile on his face said it all!

Inside the box was a instruction manual, a Thomas Steam'n'Speed remote controlled train, a remote control, a spare filter and a  reservoir.

The water reservoir goes inside the bottom of Thomas, its neatly tucked away so no one can see it!

 To get the steam going, you simply fill up the reservoir to the fill line using distilled cold water (not tap water) so we used cold bottled water.

 Then squeeze the water in the dispenser into the boiler shown below. It's important that you never place Thomas under a tap and fill Thomas up that way!

After inserting batteries into both Thomas and the remote, Thomas is ready to be turned on.

The remote control is very simple to use, with 3 buttons, forwards, special moves and backwards. 

The remote control is very stylish for young children, small enough for them to hold and features 3 bright and bold colours; Green, Blue and Yellow.

Simply get the sensor pointing in the direction of Thomas and your good to go!

Now for the best part! Thomas Steam'n'Speed is a cool new radio controlled train that lets out cool to the touch steam! Steam that is so cool children can touch it!

Thomas lights up a cool blue colour and hoots puffs and chuffs along, he interacts with children when the remote hasn't been pressed and says some of his favourite phrases!

This is my first ever video, I have got to set up the video function properly but you can check out some great reviews of Thomas Speed'n'Steam on YouTube!

The only disadvantage of this set is the steam takes about 10-12 minutes to get going once water is placed in the boiler otherwise everything else is amazing! Spud loved the fact he could touch the steam and the cool blue colour that flashes!

  Fisher Price Steam'n'Speed R/C Thomas is out in stores available to buy now.

Suitable for ages 2+ Thomas Steam'n'Speed is a ideal Christmas presents for children! The only extra thing you need to buy is batteries!!

Available to buy from Argos (on special offer at the moment!), Toys R Us, Amazon,, Tesco and John Lewis.

To find out more about Fisher Price and to see some of their other fabulous products visit the official website here, you can also find them on Facebook here, or follow them on Twitter here.

Until next time,

   Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.



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