Monday 22 June 2015


My darling partner, got down on one knee and asked me to marry him yesterday! No idea why the bloke would want me as his wife for life, but anyway  he does, and when he proposed to me, I said YES!

I now have a Fiance, and I'm now someone's Fiancee.

This is all too surreal, I can't believe I'm actually writing this!

I'm engaged to be married, married as in marriage, a wedding, a church, my dad giving me away, a day with special and loved ones and much more.

We're talk about that later on, first of all we need to wait until the shock is over, it only happened yesterday, and I'm still in shock, I keep staring at my ring and wondering why my hand stole a finger!!!

I've got photo's, lots of photo's, and I've got a video too! Well they was memories captured for us of course because near enough my whole family was there, and a restaurant full of strangers!!! Sometime in the next week, I'll be writing up a post all about it!

For now, I must go! My future husband - how CRAZY is this!??

Anyway, back to what I was saying, my future husband is on his way over with his parents, who are now like my mother and father in law!!?

To say I love that man is a understatement, to describe the love I have for him would mean a bigger number, higher than the biggest number around, would have to be invented!

Until next time,
the newly engaged Jada!
