Friday 12 June 2015

My Purchases This Last Month!

To try and stop me losing my mind, and wondering where my money is going, I'm going to start documenting the big buys every week from now on, here on Unique Young Mum. I am constantly checking my bank account to wonder where my money has gone, however, when you add it all up, every penny really does count!

Item: Flowers
Cost: £15

I gifted one of Spud's teachers a bouquet of flowers just before the half term for giving Spud the extra encouragement he needed and lacked in school. Spud's yearning to learn has become much more these past few months thanks to the extra help and support he is receiving at school, so as a thank you, I wanted to gift the teacher in mention, and knew I couldn't go wrong with buying flowers! It's always hard to buy for teachers, as you don't know what wine and/or chocolates they like - if any! Flowers are always a safe option! After all, flowers can brighten up any room whether its the classroom or a room at home!

Item: LOTS! (Holiday)Cost: £700+
We went away this half term to one of our favourite UK seaside towns - Weymouth! We went with pretty much our whole family, and Gareth joined us too for our first mini holiday. Thinking a UK break away is cheap is very wrong, and an understatement to say the least, the caravan alone was over £300, and then we easily done over £400 on food and spending money!
Item: Nephews Birthday Present.Cost: £20

Baby Boo turned four this Wednesday just gone (the 10th), isn't it crazy how they go from being super tiny babies to little waddling-babbling toddlers, to reception aged children? Baby Boo was the first child who I become very close with since birth, along with his big brother Little Big Man, they are my closest nephews, however I love all five of them the same!
Item: KettleCost: £26

Although I'm not a fan of hot drinks myself, unless it's Winter and all the coffee shops start selling White Hot Chocolate, I do host guest on a regular basis, who love their tea and coffee! My old kettle, didn't break, but no matter how much I tried to descale it, limescale would still remain so I had no choice but to purchase the new kitchen appliance!

Item: Vans HoodyCost: £50 FREE

Technically I didn't actually pay for this product, I won a £50 visa card competition just before Christmas, and I've been saving it to treat myself, because I rarely do that! On holiday, my favourite Librance hoody got ruined on the beach, so I replaced it whilst I had the chance because otherwise I would of ended up spending the money on food shopping or bills!

Until next time,
Jade x


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