Monday 22 June 2015

Just One Of My Summer Outfits!

As I mentioned in my last post, Summer is just around the corner, and with me hoping to lose a little bit of weight before the season gets here - if it ever does mind you, look at the weather now, mid, OR should I say nearly at the end of June, and it's been raining heavily throughout the day, what ever happened to our summers?

Any way, we're guaranteed a fews day of sun at least in July and/or August, because although I'm not the weather man, or woman, I do know we will have a few days of sun, it wouldn't be the summer of sixty-nine 2015 without a bit of sun would it!? Even if it's not as hot, we'll have sun, and if we don't have at least one day of sun, you can not hold me responsible for what I have said! If we don't have sun, then just think of all the summer bargains we can pick up, but lets leave that for another day shall we?

I've gone and purchased my first summer outfit haven't I today!? Although I didn't have plans to share it on here, I just had too, because I love it so much and nope that doesn't mean I want anyone to copy the whole entire outfit, well no one from Reading anyway because what if we're at a summer event and both walk around in the exact same entire outfit? That so wouldn't be cool, unless you're a long lost twin of mine who I didn't know about because we got separated at birth, but then wearing the same outfit still wouldn't be cool even if you was a long lost twin..

Moving on, how beautiful is the whole outfit above, you don't have to say it's beautiful, but my eyes (and my heart) love it, the colours, the style, the patterns, the print, everything about it! I use to love yellow as a child, and was quite upset when one of my favourite yellow tops got ruined thanks to the washing machine, and now I'm just too big to wear a yellow top or trousers, but the playsuit above features just a tiny bit of yellow!

The purse would look adorable being held in the hand with the colours clearly visible and I'm love, love, loving the owl sandals with a little bit of sparkle! We cant forget my favourite piece either, a beautiful yellow Ice-Watch again hosting a little bit of sparkle on the clock face!

What two colours are you looking forward to wearing this summer? Please send your idea's on a postcard to the following address, or better still, leave a comment and share your idea's with me!

Lots of kisses,
Jada x


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