Friday 12 June 2015

Treating The Family To A Takeaway On A Budget.

It's no secret that I'm a single mum with very little help from Spud's father, so when it comes to treat's, they're not always often and can be few and far between. Once all the bills are paid, the food shopping is purchased along with the essential buys there often isn't very much left.

I am lucky in the sense that I bargain hunt as much as I can, and do try to be thrifty when it comes to purchases, but sometimes, when it comes to eating out and takeaways at home it gets a little harder to sort out! My favourite takeaway is Indian, which Spud isn't a big fan of, where as his favourite takeaway is Chinese, which I despise!

However, we both do agree on pizza! Although we don't like the same sauce base and toppings! After finding a 50% off orders over £30 code at Domino's on My Voucher Codes this is going to be our takeaway treat this fortnight! As it is only me and Spud that means I can get us £30 worth of pizza, sides, drink and even a desert for as little as £15, a great saving compared to usual takeaway prices!

Usually, an Indian or Chinese cost well over the £20 mark, and that's just for the basics and doesn't include drinks and desert/deserts! I know some people are anti-takeaway but I am not! I work hard, I raise Spud alone, I run a house, I look after our puppy, I do the school runs alone and attending all the meetings alone, I pay all my bills and I'm often left tired!

I think it's nice for me and Spud to have a treat every now and again, it also gives me the night off from cooking and why shouldn't I!? If I didn't cook every day (bar the time we have a takeaway treat) then neither me nor Spud would be fed! Sometimes it's nice to just settle down with a movie that I can watch with Spud, instead of him watching one of our favourite Disney movies alone, whilst I slave away in the kitchen making our dinner!

It's nice to know that you've simply ordered, and someone else is cooking your dinner tonight, they're even delivering it to your door (well you can choose to pick up but I don't drive!), fresh, hot and tasty! All that's left to do is decide on a Disney DVD and that is our treat night sorted, apart from when it comes to the desert and mummy has to try and get a little bit before its all demolished!

Have a lovely weekend!
Jada x


  1. Ahh we do love a Domino's on a Friday evening....We have just ordered ours!
    Enjoy yours! x
