Friday 29 August 2014

Moshi Monsters Series 11 Countdown - Day 16 - Reveal Day!

Wow, what an amazing time we've had during the last 16 days revealing each figure from Series 11 with you all! We're sad to see the reveal over but also equally excited as it means all of you can now go and purchase Series 11 Moshling's yourself as from today - the 29th of August, Series 11 Moshi Monsters are out in toy stores and supermarkets nationwide!

This series concentrates on Free the Moshlings which has all been a bit of a secret up until today! Click on the link to follow the Free the Moshlings link and help rescue the Moshlings from Doctor Strangeglove! All you have to do is play the game and you could be in with the chance to win a day as a Moshi Monster Toy Apprentice!

Name: Weegul
Rarity: Common.

Weegul the Wobbly Dobbly is a demanding, persuasive and spoilt Moshling who is fangtastically cute but goopendously demanding, especially if she doesn't get her own way! When Weegul is not asking passers-by to plop glacé gooberries on their wafery horns, they're insisting on having their cushions plumped up and their backs scratched - not very demanding ay!?

Weegul loves anything and everything however, she's a bit contradicting because she doesn't like walking and chocolate chips!

That's it now folkes, the last Moshling to be revealed from Series 11. It's been a pleasure to be able to be part of yet another reveal, and hopefully we'll be able to share Series 12 with you, whenever that may be!

Please don't forget to check out the special Free The Moshlings website, and remember packs are out now in stores nationwide starting from as little as £2 for two Moshlings!

Jada x


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