Although I don't like the feeling of being cold, the wet weather and the increasing price of heating cost, I do love the colder months for the home cooked winter food! Home made shepherds pie, roast dinners, and of course out comes the slow cooker to cook all the stews and casseroles!

This series concentrates on Free the Moshlings which is all a bit of a big secret at the moment! The website will be officially live on the Series 11 release date which is 29th August, in the meantime make sure to check back here every day for a daily release of another brand new Moshling!

Name: Casey
Rarity: Common.

Casey is a talented, nitpicky and pretentious Croaky Cook who spends so much time shouting, he can hardly speak, let alone croak! Yelling is essential to Casey, who's in charge of a busting kitchen, and this masterful Moshling creates some of the finest meals in Monsto City, including the legendary Casserole au Corak, topped with a single strand of the finest Oobla Doobla in the land!

Casey loves egg whisk and Moshlings who shout 'Yes, Chef!', however his shouting may turn into screaming if he comes across frozen food or dirty surfaces!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for day 15 of the Moshi Monster Series 11 Countdown Reveal where I will be revealing the second from last brand new Moshling from Series 11 to you all!
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