Friday 15 August 2014

Moshi Monsters Series 11 Countdown - Day 2

Day two already, wow, where on earth does the time go? We woke up, had some breakfast, lounged around for a little while watching children's programs on TV, then we had to get ready for my hospital appointment! After the hospital we went to Toys R Us, had some lunch and come back home, before long it was dinner, bath and bed time! I really should investigate into where the time goes!

This series concentrates oFree the Moshlings which is all a bit of a big secret at the moment! The website will be officially live on the Series 11 release date which is 29th August, in the meantime make sure to check back here every day for a daily release of another brand new Moshling! 

Name: Doyle
Rarity: Common

Doyle the Defective Detective is a bumbling, eccentric and observant moshling who can be relied on when a crime needs solving, no matter how big or small, Doyle can be sure to erm... mess things up! This investigate detective posses dreadful powers of deduction, maybe it's because of the massive microschope-style eye, making thing's look smaller instead of bigger!

This investigate detective loves pipe cleaners and violins, but doesn't like Surreal Snoopers or smeared fingerprints!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for day three of the Moshi Monster Series 11 Countdown Reveal where I should be revealing a brand new Moshling to you all!


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