Thursday 14 August 2014

Moshi Monsters Series 11 Countdown - Day 1

Me and Spud are super excited to announce for the fourth series in a row, we have very luckily been asked to do yet another Moshi Monster series countdown with you all! This time it's for Series 11 and as always, the clever designers over at Moshi HQ have done well to come up with 16 brand new Moshlings for all Moshi fans to adore!

This series concentrates on Free the Moshlings which is all a bit of a big secret at the moment! The website will be officially live on the Series 11 release date which is 29th August, in the meantime make sure to check back here every day for a daily release of another brand new Moshling! 

Name: Bonnie
Rarity: Ultra Rare

 Bonnie the Sassy Lassie is a whip-cracking, fierce, fair and feisty Moshling who loves to yeehah her way around the world of Moshi. When Bonnie is not lassoing critters on Skedaddle Prairie or keeping the peace on wild frontiers, Bonnie loves singing rootin' tootin' songs and slamming shots of wobble-ade in the Sloppy Saloon!

Bonnie loves baked beans and wagon trails but dislikes Shady Sheriffs and designer saddles!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for day two of the Moshi Monster Series 11 Countdown Reveal where I should be revealing a brand new Moshling to you all!


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