Monday 25 August 2014

Moshi Monsters Series 11 Countdown - Day 12

I'll be one of the first to admit to having the heating on during the summer, although it shouldn't be happening, I'm too much of a cold person to be sat there shivering! No amount of cardigans and extra layers will be keeping us warm, so we've been having snuggly nights in with our hot water bottles and nice warm radiators in the SUMMER!

This series concentrates on Free the Moshlings which is all a bit of a big secret at the moment! The website will be officially live on the Series 11 release date which is 29th August, in the meantime make sure to check back here every day for a daily release of another brand new Moshling!

Name: Snuggy
Rarity: Common

Snuggy is a loyal, warm, playful, ultra cute, super snuggly and surprisingly shocking Cuddly Wibble who's purple onesie is charged with static electricity which she uses to power mini heaters in her bobble hat, and of course to charge up her phone! Snuggly can mainly be found in Tribbledown, but do check your sock draw as she's been known to take naps in those!

Snuggy loves hotel slippers and fluffy snugglers, but may give an electric shock out to dyed bears and sunbathers as she dislikes sunbathing!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for day 13 of the Moshi Monster Series 11 Countdown Reveal where I should be revealing a brand new Moshling to you all!


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