Thursday 23 April 2015

My Birthday Wish List

As I have already mentioned in a post recently, my birthday is just around the corner, well more so a couple of a days away! A whole three days away and just to make it even clearer - it's on Sunday! Not that I'm trying to get my friends or families attention or anything, it's not as though I've not spoke to them about it all a million times in the last 24 hours!

My friends don't understand why I'm so happy about my birthday this year, I suppose it's down to a few things, last year, I lost my nan six days before my birthday, so I wasn't in the right frame of mind to celebrate, although I know my nan would of been shouting down at me from heaven telling me to enjoy myself and to stop crying!

However, this year, I am going to celebrate, because I know my nan would want me too, my friends also secretly want me to celebrate too, even after their constant reminders of me drawing yet another year closer to 30! I've been reminding them that although we're bound to all wake up with a sore head on Sunday (we're celebrating Saturday!) I do always remember the good things about Birthdays; the celebrations, the quality time spent with loved ones, the excuse to drink, the cake (I love cake!!!) and the spending!

This year, to avoid any disappointment from both me and my friends/family, I thought I would write a post about my preferred plans, that way no one can say they forgot, because then I can shout at them and be like it was on my blog, I know you all stalk my blog!!! Well they must do as they're always ringing me asking about things on my blog, they're a bunch of not so clever under-cover stalkers!

The Celebrations

Right, so as so many of you always seem to forget my birthday plans, I'm writing the plan here! We're meeting at my house on Saturday - 4:30pm sharp, don't forget to bring a bottle! We will pre-drink a little, or until the bottles are finished and then head off to my play my favourite poker game! We will then go onto the nearest pub or club in sight, to dance the night away - literally!

Birthday Present Wishlist

Image resource: Perfumania

I have different perfumes for different occasions, and a going out perfume is something that has to make the opposite sex turn heads, although I only want my boyfriends head to be turning at me, so it has to be that smell that he wants to go after, the smell that he wants to smell more of, so, I am really pleading for a new bottle of Paris Hilton's Dazzle, as mine ran out just a few weeks ago, and I fear my boyfriends head won't turn if I don't have this in my life! Or more because it's a lovely smell and I would love you forever if I got a bottle or two of this!?

Image source: Boots
I love the No7 range from Boots; their eye primer is the best eye primer ever. I started using No7 whilst at college and I could rave about it all day long! I'm running low on some foundation and I have had my eyes on this pretty pink lipstick I've seen! So if any of you would like to purchase me some No7 goodies, or even a gift voucher, I would be so greatful!

As far as presents go, that's the only two things I'd like, however having you in my life is a present in itself, so please don't go out of your way and if your names are Paul or Paula - please don't spend as much as you did in previous years you nutters!

The Age

I've still got a few years to go until I reach 30, so please all stop with your banterous aging jokes! Then I will stop bantering you all back to an extreme level that ends up leaving you upset!

Love you all muchly!

Jada xx