Monday 19 October 2015

Why I'm Really Looking Forward To Christmas!

Although we was in the house in time for Christmas last year, we wasn't in here long enough for the place to feel like home! This year, come December, we would of been in the house for a little over a year, and so it's going to feel much more like home unlike it did last Christmas! I'm looking forward to celebrating Christmas bigger than ever this year, and here's why....

Christmas Dinner At Home!
Previously, me and Spud have visited family members houses on Christmas day, however this year, now I'm with Gareth, I'm looking forward to the four of us (me, Spud, Gareth and Jezzepi - our puppy dog), having Christmas day at mine, along with a Christmas dinner cooked jointly by me and Gareth! My tummy's rumbling now as I think of all the delicious food, turkey, roasties, stuffing, yorkshire puds....

Midnight Mass.
I stopped attening Midnight Mass when I had Spud, instead staying at home whilst my family attended. However, Gareth has said he'll watch Spud for me whilst I pop across the road to my nearest church to attend this year. After all, we do need to remember the reason for the season, and say happy birthday to the dear Lord Jesus.

Outdoor Decorations!
Living in a flat made it impossible to put up any decoration that needed to go outside, and this included outdoor Christmas lights too! I've seen so many that I'd love to have on display, but I've got no idea how they'll get to where they need to go! I'd need a ladder and one brave pair of legs to climb up high, something I just can't do!

Reindeer Food & Snowman Soup.
Yeah okay, we could of sprinkled reindeer food down at the flat, but we lived in a block containing eight flats, so can you imagine all the people who walked in and out continiously? This year, we can sprinkle reindeer food in our own garden, and enjoy some snowman soup whilst looking out for Santa!

Santa Coming Down The Chimney!
Spud would get worried every single year at the flat, worrying that Santa wouldn't be able to deliver any of Spud's Christmas presents because we didn't have a chimney! Of course this is all changed now, and we do have one! Although we don't have a open fire, we do have a vent, I've told Spud that Santa can magically get through that!

What are you most looking forward to this Christmas?

Until next time,
Jada x


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