Thursday 29 October 2015

Breaking The Silence, Shouting Out Loud.

In the Victorian era up until not so long ago, it become somewhat of a taboo when it comes to talking out loud about problems that affect so many of us. We're now in the 21st century, and since that era began in 2001, the world as we know it has changed. People have recovered their voices, we're not afraid to shout out loud, protest or make some noise, we campaign and we shout, we make noise, all to get the message out - loud and clear.

I'm lucky that I have a blog, because it's a great place for me to share news about campaigns I'm passionate about, and so I'm helping Always Discreet shout out about their campaign, they want to give a voice to the 1 in 3 women in the UK who suffer in silence in regards to bladder sensitivity.

The problem is more common than we thought, if affects the lives of 3.5 million females, and the obvious isn't the only thing that can bring these females self esteems down. A new study, conducted by Always Discreet themselves, found 1 in 5 British women don't feel their age, but in fact feel younger, however when the same questions was asked to those with bladder problems, 42% said they felt older, than their actual age, 42% said they feel less attractive, and 44% said they can't remember the last time they had sex.

Always Discreet want females with adult incontinence to feel empowered, the brand has invited women affected to share their stories, of which you can hear more about in the video below, made with documentary maker Flora Berkeley, talking about adult incontinence filled with real women's stories of their own experiences. 

Practising GP and Always Discreet campaign ambassador, Dr Sarah Jarvis, comments: “Not being able to dress, travel, exercise or live the way you want can be an everyday experience for so many women. Not only that, but even though 1 in 3 women in the UK over the age of 18 experience the condition, it is still wrongly associated with old age and this misperception can leave women feeling embarrassed, alone and much older than they really are.  However, there is help at hand, such as Always Discreet, that provides women with bladder leaks with the protection and discretion they really need” 

Sarah also has some top tips for taking care of your sensitive bladder, which I've shared a few of below;

It's Good To Talk: Confide in someone close, or book an appointment with your GP, you're not alone, don't suffer in silence.

Drink Just Enough: Don't avoid drinking in order to reduce the urge to visit the toilet, limiting your water intake makes your urine more concentrated, which boost your chances of bladder irritation, keep hydrated. 

BYE, BYE BARISTA: Caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks can be your new worse enemies, try limiting these drinks to help your bladder out.

Regular Relaxation: Mental relaxation can be a valuable aid, avoid worrying about problems, make dates with family, friends and loved ones, relaxation helps.

Exercise: Do your pelvic floor exercises daily, pilates, yoga, cycling, tai chi, brisk and Nordic walking are all low impact activities that will not only help, but keep you fit.

I'm shouting out about this campaign, because I am one of the 3.5 million who suffer, my family have known since I was a child, and Spud has known since he was old enough to understand, however, when Gareth came into my life, I found it extremely hard to tell him. I faced my fear, only letting it eat away at me for one day, before I realised I knew I could confide in him.

I've now decided to open up to the whole world, or more the 40,000+ visitors I get a month, and hope this post can empower one other woman to have the bravery to open up themselves. Feel good, feel yourself.

Share your story and help break the silence by visiting:

Until next time,
Jada x


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