Monday 19 October 2015

Can You Travel While Pregnant?

Lots of mums-to-be feel nervous about packing their bags and setting off on trips abroad, but what’s the reality of travelling while pregnant? Can you make journeys overseas or would this put you or your unborn child at risk? Here, we take a look at some of the issues you’ll need to think about if you plan to take trips like this.

Healthcare services
Anyone visiting another country should research the healthcare provisions on offer there, but this is especially important if you’re pregnant. After all, it’s crucial that, in the event of a medical emergency, you have quick access to the treatment you need. Also, it’s useful to take your medical documentation with you so that you can provide doctors with the relevant details if you require care.

You should look into your insurance options too. Bear in mind that while you’re away, you’ll need cover for things like pregnancy-related healthcare and premature birth. Getting travel insurance while you’re pregnant shouldn’t be a problem. As broker Chill Insurance points out, it’s possible to get policies as long as you’re not expected to give birth 12 weeks before the end of your holiday.

Timing is everything when it comes to travel during pregnancy. If you suffer from morning sickness, you might want to avoid taking trips during the first three months because nausea tends to be at its worst during this trimester. Also, the danger of having a miscarriage is greatest during these 12 weeks. You might not want to set off on journeys during the latter stages of pregnancy either because getting around with a big bump can be uncomfortable and tiring. Given these issues, many mums-to-be find the best window for travelling spans months four to six.  

It’s also worth noting that some airlines and ferry operators won’t let you travel if you’re in the late stages of pregnancy.  So, it’s vital that you check travel companies’ policies before you splash your cash on tickets.

Dangerous destinations
Although many destinations are safe for pregnant holidaymakers, some are not. For example, if possible you should avoid going to places that require you to have travel vaccinations. These vaccines are not considered suitable for expectant mothers because of worries that the bacteria or viruses contained in the jabs could damage babies. If you’re unsure about the destination you have in mind, speak to your GP.

Food hygiene
No one wants to get sick when they’re overseas, but as a mum in waiting, it’s especially important that you avoid conditions like traveller’s diarrhoea. To lower your risk, only eat food you know is safe and if you’re ever in doubt about the cleanliness of tap water, use bottles instead. If you do get ill, try to stay hydrated and keep eating to help protect the health of your baby, even if you’re not hungry.   

Travelling while pregnant does require extra thought and planning, but if you take suitable precautions, and as long as there are no concerns over your health or your baby’s wellbeing, you should be able to take trips well into your pregnancy.
Until next time, Jada x


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