Friday 2 October 2015

Just Say Cheese! Help Primula Cheese #spreadasmile for Make-A-Wish UK®

Today is World Smile Day, and Primula Cheese has been busy working with bloggers to ask them/us who makes us smile? The well loved cheese brand is working with Make-A-Wish® UK to raise funds to help grant magical wishes to seriously ill children.

I was asked who makes me smile, and in truthfulness, loads of people make me smile, but there is only one person who makes me smile more than anyone else in this world can, and that's my Spud!

From the moment I first found out about him, although back then I didn't know my baby was a boy, he made me smile. Every time I heard his heart beat, he made me smile. Every time I saw his picture, via a scan, he made me smile! When he was born, he made me smile, and ever since, he's made me smile!

I can't imagine how parent's of terminally or severely poorly children cope, Spud has had five operations and his own medical problems himself, so I'm taking part to help raise awareness of this fantastic campaign!

There are many ways in which Primula Cheese can be consumed, you can have it in in a sandwich, with a salad, on roast potatoes, in a pasta dish, on a pizza, with crackers for lunch and even on toast for breakfast!

Please consider buying a tube when you next go shopping, and support a fantastic cause whilst doing so!

This World Smile Day Primula Cheese are working with Make-A-Wish® UK to raise funds to help grant magical wishes to seriously ill children.

Throughout October and November, they will donate 20% of the profits from the sale of their special ‘Just Say Cheese’ tubes sold to Make-A-Wish® UK.

Want to help? Join in by posting a picture of yourself with someone that makes you smile to #spreadasmile and of course, pick up a limited Just Say Cheese edition Primula Cheese tube in stores now.


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