Monday 30 November 2015

My 2016 Dreams..♥

2016 is very nearly upon us, and as usual, this time of year is when we start to plan our new year's resolutions, write out our bucket list, and dream big for our hopes! I wished for a house, well every garden year after year, and now I've got that garden for my boy, it's took me a little longer this year to make up my mind, however, I've now got them finalised - for now at least, and would like to record them somewhere where I know I will be reminded of what they're, just so I don't use the excuse of - I forgot!

1: For Spud To Be Seen By The Relevant Healthcare Teams.
This year, I was told Spud potentially has Autism, or something else similar. So far, Spud has had an education psychologist visit him, has been attending school for an extra hour four days a week (four extra hours in total) to take part in specialist classes catered for his sensory needs, and has been referred to a number of departments at the hospital. The waiting list are so long, it's just a waiting game!

2: Learn To Drive!
This is another repeated one some of you may be familiar with, I'm still yet to drive a car for the very first time, or even start a car to be honest, but I'm hoping 2016 is the year to start! I dream about passing my practical test the first time round, choosing the perfect family friendly car from Parkway Contracts and then jumping in the car whenever we're bored! I rely on public transport way too much, and I'd love to change this so we can do more things as a family, instead of being limited with options due to public transport!

3: To Lose Weight...
Another repeated new years resolution, I think I've added this onto my list every single year, and fail my task without a doubt every single time! 2016 has to be the starting point though as I'm being bridesmaid for my sisters wedding! There's also the fact that I am engaged too now, and I don't want to be a big bride, I want to feel comfortable and confident on my big day, and we all have to start somewhere!

4: For My House To Be Finished!
I've lived here for just over a year now and there's still so, so much to do! There's the downstairs hallway, upstairs landing, the bathroom, the two bedrooms and lets not forget the gardens! If it was a simple case of painting the walls and decorating, then the house would of been finished so long ago! However, it's a lot more complex than just whacking some paint on the walls, it's not only going to take a long time, but it's also going to cost a lot of money!

5: For Good Health & Relationships ♥
Last but not least, I hope, pray and wish for good health for all of my loved ones, I also wish, hope and pray for good relationships, no more relationship break downs as I've already lost enough people who was once close to me, relationships of any kind can break down over night, in a flash actually, so I'm not taking nothing for granted, but hoping no more friendships fall through!

What are your hopes and dreams for 2016?

Jada x


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