Tuesday 21 May 2013

Stop Panicking, Your Child's Photo's On Facebook Are SAFE!!!

Sometime last week, a few statuses posted within minutes of each other caught my eye, something along the lines of a site is taking pictures from your Facebook and sharing it with everyone, me being me, the mad worried and paranoid person I am started panicking. When I say I'm worried, mad and paranoid, that's only when it comes to my Spud! I started doing a little investigating, posting around on the blogging groups on Facebook asking for some help, the lovely fellow bloggers I have explained to the best of their knowledge what was going on, I was relieved, you will be too once you've read this post.

Sit back, relax, stop looking for a number for Facebook head office and let me explain to you what's going on. Facebook has a feature called pages, I have one myself for Unique Young Mum which you can find here, Facebook pages can be made by anyone really, they come in different forms and to the best of my knowledge and wisdom, there are a few categories (that's what I am aware of), fan pages like Unique Young Mum, and community pages (which is the pages that have caused such panic) are the two I am most aware of. Fan pages is a page that anyone, like me or you have made up, just like I did for Unique Mummy Blog, then we have the community pages which I believe after my research are created from Facebook when a number of people link to the same interest. 

One that has been doing its rounds recently is one called babies, children or anything related in between. People have been clicking on these pages and have been horrified to find photo' of their children, family member's children or friend's children. Panic sets in as you realise 'the whole world' can see the photo's you thought you had maximum privacy settings on, your getting angry, you report the page, I know your thinking it, because I was exactly the same. On doing some digging, I was relieved to know that its not the whole word feasting their eyes on photo's of my child, my family member's or my friend's children. 

Everyone has a Facebook profile and I'd say at least 50% of people have photo's uploaded onto their timeline or into specific albums, so if I'm your friend and I want a nosey through your photo's, I can see them all, if someone is not your friend then they can not see your photo's (depending on your privacy settings) so what happens when we click on these community pages is we see photo's from all our friends and family that Facebook have very cleverly pulled from our many albums and uploaded timeline post. Not any two people will ever see the same photo's because the photo's you see depend on who is on your friends list. 

It's like checking out everyone on your friend's list photo's, with the only difference being is, instead of checking everyone's individuals profiles, you in fact can see multiple photo's all on one page. You may see a photo of a child/children you don't know, but guaranteed one of your friends/family members has uploaded the photo.

So remember, not everyone and anyone can see the photo's on these pages, its only the people you are friends with who can see such photo's of your child/children. It's just like them coming onto your profile and having a look at your photo's, only they get a collage of photo's from all their friends with that specific search term, I am talking about the term babies, children etc. One I have come across just now is here, you can see on the right hand side of the page Facebook have included a box stating ''This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic''.

I hope this subject can bring rest to some of you going out of your minds with worry.

Until next time,
Jada xx


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