Monday 30 March 2015

The Day I Tore My Ligament, and What I Didn't Do.

Accidents although avoided, sadly do sometimes happen and sometimes the accidents aren't even our faults, however we have to deal with them and we're the ones left suffering in either a physical, emotional or financial way. When I fell over in a children's school playground, that opens up on the weekend for the general public to use, I ended up in A&E with the news that I had a torn ligament.

I tripped on some sort of metal object piece sticking out of the ground, feeling thankful and fortunate that it was me, and not Spud or my little sister (who I took to the playground), it wasn't until I was handed crutches by the local hospital that I thought of how serious things could of potentially been, after all the playground is used by a school five days a week!

Going home was quite a challenge, not only did I have to get Spud up the stairs to our first floor flat, but I also had to get myself upstairs, with crutches and a very painful leg sporting a torn ligament! Then it dawned on me, I'm a single mum, I have a child to look after and a home to run, I'm a cleaner, a cook/a chef and a baker, a nurse, a storyteller and so much more to my son, and I had to remain the same regardless of the pain!

After looking over and reading the infographic found below, I'm not surprised my injury took a lot longer than expected to heal, I didn't ask for families and/or friends help, and stupidly didn't rest. Fortunately I did eventually recover, and now only have the memory in my head to tell the story.

If you're recovering from an injury it may be worth checking out the infographic below, or maybe it's worth reading over the infographic below for future reference, hopefully you'll never need to act up on the advice, but it doesn't hurt to learn a little big more! After all, knowledge is valuable!

Until next time,
Jada x

Caring For Accident Injuries %u2013 Infographic
This infographic was created by Tranter Cleere


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