Thursday 12 February 2015

Holidaying In The Homeland.

Now Spud is getting older - he'll be nine next month to be precise, his dad has started mentioning about taking him back 'home' to his country for a holiday visit. Africa is such a big place, and one place I must admit that I worry about.

Spud's father is from Liberia which is located in West Africa, there are many factors behind the reason that I worry, for example, the heat over there is a lot hotter than the heat we're use too, I worry about Spud not drinking enough on a normal day, so for him to be in an extremely hot country, without me there, that sends me into panic mode.

I also worry about the trouble over there, sadly a lot of countries inside the African continent have wars or extreme trouble of some sort, and then there's the health scares too, most recently the deadly Ebola outbreak. Africa is a deprived country and is part of the third world, however there are places in Africa that sound and look beautiful, to the extent of being a perfect holiday destination.

For example, when looking at Saga Holidays recently, I fell in love with a beautiful resort situated in South Africa, the beach was beautiful as was the scenery and the tourist market was very appealing. The temperatures sound bearable and the sea looks pretty amazing.

I'm not saying that I never want Spud to go and visit his dad's homeland/place of birth, however I do think he is too young to go to such a place. Also, with the school policy being so strict, I have to think about the limited time he has off school.

During school holidays, I want to be with Spud, he spends so much time at school as it is, that when he does have a holiday off school I want to spend the free time holidaying with him. His dad can't get the holidays off, and so Spud will have to be taken out of school during the school term, something the local education authority, and the government do not approve of.

I think a holiday to South Africa with me sounds lovely though, as mentioned above I've fell in love with just one of the resorts I spotted recently and I've not done much investigating as I usually would. Africa is a place I've not visited myself and so I think it would be a great place to start of, and one day, I'd love to go somewhere different and go on a drive through safari experience.

Africa sadly gets so much bad publicity that so many are put off, but so many places, such as South Africa are just too beautiful to dismiss.

I would love to know if anyone has any recommendations for the continent, and especially in SA, after all, I've not got any holiday plans for 2016, maybe SA will be the place we holiday next year!

Until next time,
Jada x


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