Friday 13 February 2015

5 small changes you can make to improve your life instantly

We're all on the look out for ways to improve our lives. Sometimes, it’s the simple things that actually turn out to be the most effective. Here are a few things to consider:

Give up smoking

With the introduction of unbranded cigarette packaging due to come into place this year, it’s clear to see why buying cigarettes is quickly becoming taboo. To give up the easy way, try switching to e-cigs. Not only will you feel healthier and smell better, you'll also get to enjoy the huge range of flavours that e-liquids are available in. 

Buy a bike

Many of us convince ourselves that exercise fads are something we will do for the foreseeable future. It seems every year a new DVD or gym class becomes all the rage, only to become obsolete the following year. Cycling is not a fad though, and it is a particularly good fitness activity for families. Along with the great health benefits, investing in a bike can save you money in the long run. So, if you want to cut down on your commuting costs and allow more pennies for extra treats, pick up a bike from your local store.

Go to a comedy club

Laughter is one of the greatest natural remedies. Many of us live our lives completely consumed by work or family, and we often forget to take the time to de-stress. More importantly, people who laugh more have much better immune systems, which of course allows them to live longer and be happier. 

Talk to a stranger

Do you ever feel like you live your life in the digital landscape? Social media keeps us connected, but there is nothing better than real human interaction. Talking to a stranger on a bus or in a post office queue will instantly send out a rush of endorphins, and could lead to a great new friendship, a new business contact, or even better, a phone number. 

Make a feel-good playlist

We all have a song that instantly makes us feel better. Making a feel-good playlist is one of the simplest ways of improving your life instantly, particularly if you’re emotionally immune to the repetitive music played on radio stations. So, if you want to relive your wedding song every day, reminisce with your beloved childhood anthems, or simply create a set of pumping techno tracks to get your day off to a great start, be sure to make a playlist.


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