Thursday 13 August 2015

My Working Area...♥

10 months ago, which is nearly a whole year ago, I pulled up in the car park to my local Emporium sadly for one of my last times. A few days before, I saw posters and signs for the Emporium, notifying of its closure and closing down sale. It had been around ever since I could remember, it must of stood place well before I was born, if not whilst I was very young at least as I remember visiting there with my grandfather before he died.

Sat outside looking rather down in the dumps was a beautiful dark brown writing bureau complete with the lock and key! It had three large drawers, with only one out of six handles missing, and the lock fully worked! I didn't even need to lift down the lid to convince my mind. As long as the item wasn't sold, I was taking it home.

I needed a work space and place for Unique Young Mum to continue its success, me sitting down on a sofa or my bed wasn't cutting it, I'd get too comfortable and end up lazing about instead of working which is what I was suppose to be doing!

I paid the owner of the Emporium the £40 and made arrangements for my dad to collect it for me as his car was big enough. Later that day, myself, my dad and Spud went to collect the new addition to my life, both my father and Spud agreed on its beauty and I couldn't wait to make use of it, make it into my own little working space, my own little working area.

That was 10 months ago, nearly one whole year ago, but it was only today that I sat down for the first time and worked from my beautiful piece of antique furniture. Thanks to Gareth's help, last night, we sorted it all out and accessorised it before fulling the drawers, ready for this morning.

I absolutely love my retro style phone, the style, the colour, the feel... everything about it! I must admit it's not plugged in though, and it is entirely for decoration purposes at the moment! I need my cordless as I always have so much to do!

I've never tried the operator as I've never heard of it, but love the fact the 999 number is there notifying its for the police, fire and ambulance! This is a great way to remind Spud of who to call in case of an emergency!

Ohh and I don't have to take the wire out of the wall if I don't want any disturbances! Simply taking the phone off the hook works wonders! Perfect solution for when everyone decides to ignore my wishes and won't stop ringing me, not respecting the fact that I do have to work to keep a roof above our heads!

The bureau is very spacious with little tiny drawers and spaces, I've used one of the mini drawers for stationary until I sort out a proper home for all my bits and bobs!

I actually only just brought this clock last Sunday, whilst on holiday in Cornwall, we took a day trip down to Looe, I set my eyes on this little beaut and couldn't believe the price tag said £1.49. Of course I snapped this up and protected the bag like my life depended on it, I didn't, but I easily could of!

I often get gassed out by our puppy dog, or Spud, and Gareth when he's around, who's the worse culprit! To keep my area feeling fresh, I've placed one of my favourite diffusers on top, in between my lamp and retro style phone!

My lamp isn't at all fancy, but it's a must, a very big must! I already have terrible eyes, and squinting just isn't going to cut it! I actually prefer working in the late evening/night time then I do in the day, so I suppose I better stock up on light bulbs!

All that's left is for me to work, and not swan around on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter! Not that I actually do that, but I may be found raiding the kitchen cupboards in search for Galaxy chocolate!

Until next time,


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