Friday 12 September 2014

Getting Rid Of The Negativity!

It feels like I've not wrote anything for so long, when in fact its only been a week or so. There's been lot's going on in the Unique Young Mum household, all very positive and news I hope to be able to share with you all as soon as I can!

Spud started year four last week and we're both settling into the school routine after having six weeks off! I don't know if it's the mad morning walk to school rush or the alarm clock that we despise the most, we're both just glad its Friday, to say we're looking forward to no alarm clock waking us up tomorrow would be a understatement!

I'm still having hospital treatment three times a week, to be honest I can't personally see a improvement, which is disappointing seeing as I've been going for six weeks now totalling 18 sessions. It's been decided I'll have an extended two weeks of treatment meaning it will take me up to 12 weeks instead of the 10 planned weeks. I appreciate the treatment and hold all positive hopes that it will work, but attending hospital three times a week is a little bit of a pain, but I get around it.

In the six week summer holidays me and Spud got to do many exciting things, including visiting my mum, little sister and step-dad in Cornwall, with funds being a little tight it was nice to be able to go on a ''free'' holiday, and spend quality time with loved ones too!

We see my sister - Spud's auntie, and my two nephew's - Spud's cousins, most days during the holiday, and spent lots of playdates with our friends too! My best friend Annessa had her beautiful baby boy E on the 4th of August, and although there has been times when I've felt broody, I'm glad to be able to pass a crying baby back to his mummy! That's the good thing about other's having babies isn't it? You can pass them back when they start crying!

My cousin and also one of my closest friends Karla asked me to look after her baby - my second cousin, but whom I class as my niece once a week, Karla won't let anyone look after her baby apart from her mum, so it was a real honour for me to accept. Baby Kay is just beautiful and the first girl in our family, it's safe to say she is a real princess with all the boys looking after her!

We have some excellent news to share with you, but now is not the right time to do so! Patience is a virtue and a statement I believe in 100%, I'm waking up in a more positive mood every day, and it really does make a difference being surrounded with different energy!

I've been spending my evenings relaxing, this last week has been great, I've not been stressed or worried about anything and have made lot's of phonecalls with emails to follow in regards to sorting things out!

I hope you've all been well, and I'm looking forward to getting Unique Young Mum back up off the ground!

Take care,
Jada xx


  1. Well done on your good news. Can't wait to hear what it is but I think I can guess.

    I have to resurrect my blog after the Summer too - so behind on so many posts and have to paint Aaron's bedroom too and get his bunk bed built.

    You're so so right about negativity - need to do the same.

    Liska xx
