Tuesday 2 April 2019

April's 5 Money Saving Ideas.

We're now into the second quarter of the year already, time really isn't slowing down and neither are the events! March was a really expensive month for me, what with Mother's Day, my son's birthday and loads of family birthdays, and now I'm straight into another expensive month with another big event - Easter!

My birthday is also this month, and whilst I don't like celebrating big, I do think it's nice to celebrate your birthday to some extent, I'll be celebrating with a few friends - in the summerhouse/bar that isn't even finished yet! So, I have a project that needs to be finished, and no funds to fund it! April's going to be an interesting month financially, as I'll be using every power I have to try and make some money!

1: Attic Attack April
Hands up, who has an attic full of stuff that's hardly ever used and certainly not missed? I'm holding my arm halfway up as I'm certainly guilty of having an attic full of stuff that I don't really need. My Christmas/Easter/Halloween decorations are all I should have up there really, but instead, I have loadssss of things, so many items I can't even remember what exactly. In the next few days, I plan to tackle my attics contents to see what I can part with, to sell to make some money. Knowing how much stuff I have up there I know I can make at least £100 if I set my mind to it and get on with the task!

2: Don't Leave Easter Until The Last Minute.
As Easter gets closer and closer, you'll soon start to see less and less Easter egg offers, if like me you have lots of children to buy for, take advantage of the Easter offers floating around now, because in no time the prices will creep up and you'd of missed out on saving yourself any money. 

3: Non-Edible Easter Gifts! 
Whilst spending £1 on a chocolate egg may not seem like a lot of money, when you have a big family like me, you're spending nearly £20 on chocolate eggs! Have a look around for non-edible Easter gifts that could work out cheaper, or just the same price but will last longer. The Works often do 10 books for £10, making them the same price as 10 chocolate eggs for £10, but they'll last for a lot longer than a chocolate egg! 

4: Bootsale Season!
The local boot sales in my area are now getting ready for their first boot sales of 2019, if you have been waiting for the sales to start, now is your time to do your research to find the best ones in your area. In between doing your research, have another look around the house, do you really need that book you've read already, and most probably won't read again? Get rid of the items taking up space, and make yourself some pennies whilst doing so!

5: Easter Half Term.
The Easter half term is very nearly upon us (at least in the South East) and I know many parents will be looking for ways to entertain their children on the cheap. Days out and fun days don't have to be expensive, picnics at the park with friends are a lot cheaper than a day out at the theme park, but if a theme park is what you want to do then look around for kids go free, 2 for 1 entry coupons and selected day discounts. There are tons of things you can do with kids on the cheap this Easter Half Term, including but not all, free club trails such as gymnastics/dance/karate, arts and craft sessions, free museum entry's, free woodland walks and much more!

That's it for this month, if you have any April money saving ideas please do leave them below as a comment! Don't forget to check back next month for May's 5 Money Saving Idea's.

Until next time,
Jada x


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