Friday 12 April 2019

Our DIY Summer House Update.

Last month, I posted letting you all know about our DIY summer house, something we've made/built entirely from scratch using everything we can get our hands on, using as little money as possible. Today I thought I'd share an update with you all on how that's coming along.

Do it yourself summer house - picture from the outside.

I'm pleased to say the outside of the building is FINISHED - well it needs two tiny little triangle cuts for the top of the building BUT apart from that it's done, at least building wise! All we need for the outside now is some decorations, some furniture and some outdoor garden lights and it'll be finished!

The inside is a whole other story, with quite a bit left to do... but I'm positive we'll get there before our deadline.

I can't believe that this all started out from me saying last summer, that I'd love a bar for us to drink for next summer. Dreams really do come true! 

As many of you know, I'm a big DIY fan, doing things on a budget/bargain fan, I love hitting the sales and doing things as cheaply as possible, because I don't have money to play around with, as much as I'd love to of course. We have been so lucky to get a lot of items for free, or cheap, and we've taken advantage of family's offerings of help to avoid any labour cost or professional help and the price tag that comes with it.

When I put an advert out on local buy and sell sites asking for LOTS of free/unwanted cot/cot bed mattresses, people were only willing to help, and many of them asked me what I was using them for. People were amazed when I sent the photo's of the summer house, and when I told them we would be using them for the seating area, they thought it was a great idea.

Do it yourself summer house - picture showing the start of the seating area.

Idea's have been the heart and soul of this project, we have spent hours upon hours searching the internet for ideas, as well as taking on board family and friends ideas, together all those ideas have become a reality, and we're so so close to finishing. 

There is still some work to do inside, we need to board up one of the walls (the window and door wall), finish the seating area, sort out the flooring, decorate and accessorise, then there are the items we'll need such as throws for the seating area, bar tables, a bracket for the tv, cushions, blinds, glasses, paint, a bar sign, and so much more. The local second hand selling sites have become my best friend, but we know there are items we're going to have to fork out on. I'm hoping to use my blogging powers to work with some companies in return for reviews, and together we can help one another!

Our deadline is my birthday - April 26th - can we do it? Watch this space to find out!

Until next time,
Jada x


  1. That looks fantastic! You've worked hard!
    I hope you get it finished in time for your birthday x
