Monday 30 January 2017

Valentines Day - How Will You Spend The Day?

Valentines Day is soon approaching, and don't us Brits know it! Every shop we venture into is filled with displays of cards, gifts of chocolates and wine, whilst babysitters and florist, both local and nationally are promoting their services across social media.

Whilst I've never been a massive fan of the day itself, believing love should be celebrated all year round, I will admit its nice to have that one day of the year where everyone declares their love, and the atmosphere in restaurants and bars seems to be much more romantic, plus I'm never one to turn down a meaningful card!

When it comes to Valentines Day, me and my partner like to plan the day together, with a few surprises thrown in that none of us know about. So for example I may know that he wants to take me out for a meal, but I may not know where, or he may know that I've gone shopping, but he won't know what I've brought him.

Did you notice how those two examples above both included activities that required money to be spent? If not, you have now.

After taking part in a survey hosted by Rattan Direct based on Valentine's Day this morning, I discovered there's one thing above all others that I don't like about Valentine's Day - and that's the money that's spent behind it, I mean if a birthday or anniversary falls around the days prior, during or after, then you're a winner as the event could be paired with a celebration to make it a double celebration which doesn't sound too bad cost wise, however to spend a few hundred on one day seems obscure.

You see, I'm all for money saving and money making, whilst my partner likes to splash the cash and show me off to the nicer things in life. Whilst I'd be happy eating a £5 meal from the local takeaway shop in the comfort of my own home, or even better something that one of us has cooked up ourselves, he would much rather splash the cash and treat us both to a three course meal and drinks at a top notch restaurant. 

Then there's the gifts involved, a thoughtful, well designed and meaningful card even comes at a cost these days, one card I picked up in a local card store nearly made me faint with the shocking £4.99 price tag! I could buy a packet of plain card for 99p and add my own glitter and kisses for a fraction of the cost, and surely it'll be more meaningful as it's handmade!?

There's also the cost to consider in other things, like our outfits. On previous Valentine's Day celebrations, both me and my partner have splashed the cash on new outfits, but for me it didn't stop there. There was accessories to consider, new jewelry, a new bag, along with new shoes, new perfume, a fresh set of perfectly manicured nails and a spray tan session. We're looking at over £200 just for the two of us to look okay - don't we look okay in our every day clothes!?

I know my partner does, I could look at his gorgeous face forever, I think he could too considering the amount of time he spends looking in a mirror. Me on the other hand, I have severe confidence issues and avoid the mirrors at all cost, you should see me in public places when I see one, I look like I've just seen a street seller (you know the kind of ones who try to convince you to sign up to Sky for a package no other provider can beat) with the way I duck and dive!

Whilst the Valentine's Day survey nearly covered my ideal Valentines Day, and most things didn't come as a surprise for me, one thing shocked me massively and that was when it asked how much you spend on Valentine's Day Gifts and there was an option to tick a £500+ box - oh blimey, you could whisk your better half a way for that much money if looking around properly!

So that leaves me with one question....

How would you spend your Valentine's Day? No pun intended ;)

As cheap as possible, or go all out? At a restaurant for a fancy meal or a home cooked meal at home? A homemade heartfelt gift or breaking the bank with expensive shop buys?

Whatever you do, however much you spend (or don't spend!) I hope you have a fantastic time!

Jada x


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